I had an epiphany!

Did anyone else have that “aha” moment? My mom and I were texting about it earlier. I told her I could tell this time was different and I really couldn’t explain why. She said she could feel it, too. She got so excited. Normally, in the past when I’d talk to her about staying sober, she would say the things like, “I really hope so.” But for some reason, she can feel it’s different this time, too! She seemed so excited. She was like, “oh my God, baby!!! That’s how it happens!” when I told her I just woke up one day after a night of drinking and I just KNEW. It’s weird. It wasn’t even a thought process kind of thing. It was almost, like, more of a FEELING. I can’t explain it, I can’t put my finger on it. But I know this time is different. And I’m so excited. 🩷

Hope everyone has a great Thursday! :sunny:


Sounds good keep us posted on your journey wish you well


Mine hit that exact way this time as well. That was 314 days ago!
I just woke up and knew I’d had enough. I found this app and quietly worked through the next months (other than sharing here and staying engaged on this platform).

When you know, it is an amazing feeling! That said it’s still work and we must remain vigilant and greedy in our success. This world wants to pull us back into its social norms and I’ve decided sobriety is the social norm of life that I think is preferable.

Best of luck and keep on this path and vigilant :pray::peace_symbol:


I did. I cannot in retrospect pinpoint the time when it happened, but something felt different on my final quit (400 weeks ago today!). Congratulations on making this healthy change for you!! Glad your Mom can feel it too. :heart::people_hugging::star2: