I have 3 days an it harder today

It harder today I want to take a drink but I’m not going too because I don’t want to feel like I did 3 days go an I’m getting angry upset an stressed so If I what to do

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Don’t argue don’t fight with yourself just say no. Normally, we give in at that point and your subconscious knows this. It will keep bringing it up just say “no”.

If you can find away to distract yourself, and focus on something else your subconscious will start to relate your feelings right now with that task. That’s why exercise and other hobbies are so important.

Keep fighting brother you got this!


Thank a lot I will find some way to keep me busy an I almost have four days thanks again

You know what sometimes works for me? I just go to sleep. After a few hours when you wake up you will feel more rested and calm, then put a movie on and keep relaxing.


Just for today say that you won’t drink. Every morning you wake up sober is making you stronger.


You know what crazy Allie82 I just did wake up from a 3 hour nap an I feel much better the exact words you said is what I did today thank you so much

Thanks bro I will do so

Thank you for the just for today

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Seeeee!!!??? :). It works every time.

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It’s been 4 days for me & I have 2 habits. Drinking and cocaine. By the grace of God I will not let the devil win this time.

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Look at your beautiful family, keep reminding yourself that you’re doing this for all of you. :heart:


Thank you :pray::innocent:

You’re welcome friend. Stay strong.

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I will… It feel so good when I’m in control and fighting my craving. God is my motivation to keep me sober.

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Your children should be too.

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All yes. My kids been in my life from day one and always. There my motivation to… :innocent:

Good. :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:


Thank bro I seem to understand what are you are saying to stay sober an I had many hobbies now I need to stay busy so that the demon don’t mess with me at all because I hate the person I was

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Yes it does work the day go by faster lol

Lol. That is true!

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