I have 5 days today. The most I’ve had in almost a year

Day 5 today no opiates. Starting to finally feel better. Actually ate today. I can’t wait to get back to me. I can do this right?


Welcome and congrats on 5 days!! First weekend is over!. You got this!


Hey there yes you can absolutely do this!

AND you need a support network AND you need to surround yourself with recovery 24/7. Change ppl places & things. Consume books, podcasts, audiobooks what have you, learn about addiction and reach out to other addicts. You doing these things yet?

Resources for our recovery

Make this time the time you actually gave yourself a chance!

You can! But only you can!


Well you are already doing it so just keep it up.

Yes, you can do it!

Welcome and Congrats on 5 days!
Get yourself a strong support network. I was addicted to opioids so I know how difficult this journey can get at times. Changing people, places and things was a must for me. Now, I can’t imagine ever going back to that lifestyle. Remember… you’ll never have to feel the effects of withdrawal ever again.
Wishing you the best on your journey.


congratulations Jackie this is incredible! :clap:t4::clap:t4: and yes you can absolutely do this.

Great work! You can and you are!! :clap:t2::clap:t2::ok_hand:t2::pray:t2::two_hearts:

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I hope you are very proud of yourself!
Stay strong💪