I have a confession!😭

So live in a different state(ohio) then where I am from… and i came back to my original home (Illinois) to visit. And I am not gonna lie kinda fell off I been here not even 12 hours and I have fell off with coke and alcohol! I’m so disappointed in my self. I took my self from this life to better my self by moving to ohio and here I am high and drunk writing this. I am so disappointed and felling like I let my self and everyone in my life down. I’m here till the 24th and I’m scared it’s not gonna let up till I leave. Because everyone I know here drinks and does coke. This ain’t the life I want. But its honestly the life I am used to. But I didnt want this to happen. I wasn’t planning on this at all. I kept telling my self it wasn’t gonna happen. Bitnit did… I’m sorry everyone!

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Have you considered going to AA or NA?


Bless you @Nicole_Schertz, addiction is a sneaky thing with triggers everywhere. Try and get a meeting if you can…I’m sending you strength and love my friend. :pray:t2:


Oh no, sorry to hear this. It is good that you reached out here. Stop drinking and using, get outside and take a walk, nap, cry, or hell, head back to your new place early…make up some excuse and just go. Or head to a meeting every day if you need that. Please don’t go down the rabbit hole. You are worth more than that.

And I am moving this post to the opt in Seeking Help section. Your notifications will take you there, but you should also opt in. It is a good place to post if you are actively using.

Seeking Help - Under the influence (new opt-in category)

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I had to reconcile within myself that all of my friends from when i used, had to be dismissed and wished well. I had no choice because their travels weren’t my own and the best way to help them is show them by example. I even avoid visiting my old neighborhood for years because of the triggers. Eventually it gets better but you have to respect the disease.

Tomorrow is a new day. Don’t beat yourself up to the point that you give up. Everyday is a new day and a new opportunity. I’m rooting for you!

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