I have a DREAM that one day those struggling with addiction/mental illness will be treated as Human's... đź’–

Somebody recently asked :speaking_head: "How can those Drunks and Junkies afford to live like that when I can’t even afford pizza and donuts??? :pizza:🤷 :doughnut:

My ONLY response “They budget for it”… :thinking:

(Because many in the beginning probably do in trying to resolve other issue’s… Granted some might have to increase that budget a few times before pawning and selling everything that they own before addiction has them taking and stealing from other’s before destroying themselves completely but not everybody struggling with addiction is out there stealing or earning money the wrong way not doing anything about their issue’s…)

Underline the word budget and re-read the question… :neutral_face:

Because I also have known what it’s like to struggle with my weight in the past I guess I also understand that they won’t resolve their issue by joking about it and putting down other’s who are struggling as well just in a different way… I’m aware they are acting like that because they have a problem too…

So in honor of one of the greatest men that ever lived Doctor Martin Luther King Jr :crown: onto read into some scripture today that someone on here (TS :sparkling_heart:) took the time out of their life to share with me last night in efforts to continue to learn how to be kind to unkind people while staying sober… I no longer let small talk be a huge factor in making me fail… And they shouldn’t neither!!! 655 day’s Strong by setting goals and holding myself accountable every single day for my actions… :blush:


And sometimes the answer we seek is laying on our kitchen tables right in front of us… Next time I see this person I’m gonna invite them to go on a hike or walk with me, possibly over to have a light lunch and if they mention it I might even have to tell them about a great program that was effective in helping me to lose over 75 pounds and the lifestyle changes I had to make in that area… Even if they have also made it clear that they don’t roll with my kind (which is their kind too, they just don’t know if yet) Because HELPING other’s is the ONLY way… NOBODY should EVER have to struggle alone!!! TS has also taught me this… :blush:


In my early days of recovery i used to go to prisons ,hospitals, doss houses and pass the message it helped me stay sober today many moons later i still sponsor and talk at meetings , keep on trucking