I have a plan

Commit to twice daily check ins here. For however long suits you. Also, set up the $$ savings feature on this app, it’s a real eye opener. Be proud of your days building and set milestones :+1:


It does not sound ridiculous at all Sarah. This is all out war on addiction and everything is allowed. Just as long as no one is hurt that is. See you around here OK? I don’t think I missed a day in 1665 days of sobriety X.


I’ll probably be on multiple times a day, this place is my lifeline! Yes, I agree seeing the savings add up will be a big motivator, I have another thread from earlier this year where I talked about spending. our savings on gambling (I’m not just a one trick pony :joy:) so I would love to start building that up again x


Thanks so much, that is an incredible tally! :heart::heart:


Ive actually written on that thread. I 100% believe that we all need each other, ive had loads of help here and if i dont need help at the time then i try my best to help others, the whole thing is a win win and good for the soul xx


Sounds like you got a great plan Sarah.
How’s your gratitude muscles? You been working them?
Gratitude has been my strongest tool for my recovery. A lot of us start or end our day right here Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #5
Reading it writing it but most importantly living it.
Keep up the great work.
I’m glad you’re here.


This sounds like you’re willingness and plan are built for success. You’re right about the sporadic posters vs people who come here everyday, I know @Englishd just said something about that earlier. It’s hard to let the voice of addiction win when you see the voice of reason here. Focus on the voice of reason, let it scream the loudest. Best wishes :slightly_smiling_face:


I think you have a great plan. Stick to it and welcome. It’s made it through part of the touches part of it congratulations


Strange day, I feel so much better physically and mentally but I still feel absolutely awful about my behaviour on Wednesday, my partner is still being a bit off which is completely understandable but it’s making me so sad and guilty. I haven’t drank today though and in an odd way I’m glad it happened because it feels like it was my absolute rock bottom and I never want to put myself in that situation again. So I’m sad, guilty, optimistic and a million other things. I attended an AA meeting online this morning, it was in the USA which was strange but still very helpful (I didn’t say anything just sat and listened)


Hope everyone else is having a good day :heart:


Hi Sarah,

I totes get you and have had these guilty feelings about arguements etc. But now it’s the time to do what you need to do day after day and build trust organically. Sorry is just a word, action builds strength. Build yourself up girl, you can do it. Do it for yourself.

I’m on day 3, I’m behind you. :heavy_heart_exclamation:


The longer you stay sober the more that guilty feeling will lift and be replaced by a feeling of pride that youre staying sober, your partner will come round in time when he sees you mean business and will be proud of you too…all that is something to look forward to but for now make sure you are taking good care of yourself…good food, hydration and self care…be kind to yourself to give yourself the best chance at getting through these early days, sending love and hugs :heart: :people_hugging:


When we get a cut, we feel a strong, acute pain. That alerts us that something is wrong and we need to attend to it. That cut might hurt for several days as the wound heals, hopefully reminding us not to do the same thing we did when we got the cut. If pain continues, that means that there is a problem that we haven’t addressed, but once all is cared for and healed, the pain should go away.

Think of guilt like physical pain. It alerts us when there is something we need to attend to and as we attend to those things, it can be a reminder not to do that thing again. But we tend to hold on to our guilt instead of letting it go when the purpose has been served.

Imagine holding on to the pain of cutting your finger. How stupid you were for getting a cut! You clearly should suffer forever because you made a mistake! That can sound a little silly. Right now you are attending to the results of your actions. Guilt is a normal thing to feel, but there must be a point where you have properly attended to the situation. There is restitution, if needed, and changing your ways. Depending on the situation, there could be something else, but that must also be something you can attend to.

As you ‘right your wrongs’, the guilt should begin to fade, and you should allow it to fade. If you have done all you can, and the guilt is still as strong as ever, that will let you know that something is wrong which needs to be attended to, like in our ‘cut’ example. This is where a trained psychological professional could be useful in helping you figure out what that is.

You are doing great so far. Continuing to learn and figure out what works for you will be helpful over time. Allowing yourself to forgive yourself and to let the guilt go is also very useful. You don’t deserve to suffer forever. There must be a path to redemption in all things or what is the point of change? Let your mind become “obsessed” with sobriety, in that you are ever diligent, and where you are actively engaging with situations, people, things, etc., that will support this sobriety.

You can do this!


I love this, thank you!

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Chiron, thank you for this, this is GOLD!! :heart:


Doing great well done keep your meetings up get phone numbers and a sponsor if your ready to get on the steps, wish you well


Good morning! Waking up hangover free is amazing! :joy: I’ve read a lot about how sleep can be affected when you stop drinking but I’m sleeping like my body has been craving it! I went to bed at 11 and have literally just woken up (9:00am here) I used to wake up at 5 or 6 with a nervous energy pushing me to get up which I guess was the alcohol in my body, now I could sleep for a week. It’s so much better but I’m dreading getting up for work on Tuesday :weary::joy: have a wonderful day everyone xx


Hey Sarah @Blondie75 Glad you’re here and have a plan, a great plan! Immerse yourself in sobriety, you won’t look back! :blush:


Tried to start yesterday but didn’t make it. Trying again today, trash pick up is today got rid of all alcohol.


Welcome House1, this is an amazing place that has helped me so much. If I can do it you can too, we’re all here for you xx

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