I have knots in my stomach

So I was a stay at home mom. I recently got a part-time job. Our financial situation is well, behind on bills.

Then… My honey lost his job!!! I’m freaking out. I want to vomit! I don’t know how we will make it. I’ve been crying. And I don’t want to make him feel bad it’s just I’m scared.

I have no want to drink. Which is really weird. But I’m thankful for that.

I’ve literally hit rock bottom it feels like.

I know you feel as if everything is wrong right now and that t cannot get much worse.

Remember one BIG thing, you haven’t picked up a drink today and you have no desire to. That is pretty fucking amazing and a long ways off from rock bottom IMO.

So take a deep breath and start to look at the puzzle pieces on the table so to speak and how to put them together to see where you go from here. One piece, one step at a time. Will it be rough, maybe and likely yes. But by being sober and there for your family it is something you can get through.


First thing I did when my husband lost his job 2 yrs ago was look at my budget and cut out any expenses I could. It helped a lot to feel like I could do something to “slow the bleeding” without his income. Gym membership, Netflix, etc all went on hold. If you have a car payment, some banks will let you have a grace period in situations like this too. Toyota financial services gave me 60 days with no payment.
Then you can sit down and start to make a plan as to how to move forward. But for me, putting the brakes on some expenses right away helped me feel more secure when I was totally freaking out.
That’s awesome that you dont feel like drinking, that would only make things worse!


@DowntroddenGoat thank you for that. You said some words I needed to hear.


Awe i know the feeling i just remember that everything does end up working out I felt like I wouldn’t get out of my parents house and be stuck in a minimum wage job and everything fell into place all at once and have my own place and new job and early in recovery i am eternally grateful


@Serenity412 thank you so much. Question… When you say on hold. Do you mean the companies will suspended accounts instead of cancelling?

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Depends on what company, for example gyms usually have a “freeze” option where for like $10 a month they just freeze your membership and then you can reactivate it whenever, without having to pay the signup fee again. 24 hr fitness does this. For stuff like Netflix you’d probably have to cancel it and then sign up again later.


It will all be okay pal. It sucks and it’s scary but as long as you don’t pick up a drink, everything will work out.
Like @Serenity412 said, companies will work with you. Don’t be like me and just ignore your bills😉 Lol. Call the important people that need to be called. Mortgage and car payments and such. Most will let you skip a month. But you don’t know until you ask.

Don’t pick up! Talk to God about it if that’s your thing. Just try to keep your head and everything will work out


Got ya. Thanks again :blush:

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Thank you Gabe.

I’m in a similar financial situation. Call every single one of your Bill’s and see what they can do. I was honest and told them I lost my job. Quite a few companies lowered my Bill’s and even the phone company helped me find ways to lower my bills AND gave me a credit for the next months bill. Every little bit helps.

I know this is stressful, but you’re doing great. Keep up the good work and you’ll make it through this alright.


Thats hard times. I feel for you. Do your best to look for another job. Re do your cv (resume) and I hope you find one or win the lotto.