I have problem with accepting myself

After about three years of sobriety I started being honest about my sexuality and I found out I am bisexual.
It hurts me alot because i can’t accept it and in the same Time I can’t deny it.
I feel nervous and ashamed whenever someone talks about sex, specifically my friends and the jokes they make about others sexual orientation. I am not in peace with myself and the world around me.
Can somebody help me?

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Love who who you are,be proud :pray:,some people will judge but people that really love and care for you will accept you and be happy that your finding your true self,be honest with yourself let your light shine.and embrace your beauty


I do feel for you but there is no shame about whatever sexuality you are. It’s 2020 a year that has seen massive loss of life so if someone mocks others tell them to get a grip.
Take care


Thank you, I appreciate it :pray:

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Thanks juliet :pray::hibiscus:

My daughter who was born Lilly is now called Adrian as he beleive he was born into the wrong gender the signs have been there since pre puberty,I support my son :100::boom: in his journey who am I to tell him that he’s not feeling what he feels,be truthful with family and friends the ones that don’t get it that’s on them be the true soul you are don’t hide it from the world and if in time things change again that’s ok.godbless beautiful soul​:purple_heart:


Im so sorry youve been pushed into feeling like this, especially from the people you care about. Nothing makes change harder than just trying to live honestly with yourself and being met with fear of backlash. I cant tell you what will be right for you and how to handle this, but i can say all truth has a boiling point. If this comes to surface, think about how you want to approach all the reactions, good or bad. Youre in control and can lead how this plays out regardless. But who knows, you might also change their minds and make them think twice about shallow comments, maybe change their head or heart.

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