I just feel 😓

I don’t understand why but the worst thing is I can’t shake off this rubbish low feeling.

I can’t get to the root of understanding where it’s from either. It’s pretty much constant for the last week, even just getting early nights etc hasn’t shaken it and I’ve tried getting outdoors too but that also hasn’t worked.

It would be fine to just ride it out, put it down to the time of year or whatever, but unfortunately it’s started spilling over into my work and I’ve been acting angrily and withdrawn there.

I rage at colleagues and then afterwards I feel anxious and guilty about how I’ve been.



Hello bedger,

If i Feeling Bad and struggling with myself, i focus in the many upsides living without alcohol
Take a deep breath and bei Happy and thankfull for your soberity. You will see, it works


I can very much relate to the idea of wanting to get to the bottom of low moods. Sometimes it is absolutely needed, to be able to address issues, make changes etc.

But what if there is nothing to fix? I know sometimes my searching for answers has the tendency to become its own source of anxiety, irritation, upset etc.

Can you take any time off work, even a day or two, to just be with this and see what comes up? Rest and time outside sound good. What about other things you enjoy? Food, people, activities etc?

Hope this passes for you soon :sparkling_heart:


Sorry to hear that bud, step one started right here! :slightly_smiling_face: Have you tried giving meditation a try?


Still learning how to live sober theres going to be rough times but the end result will be worth it wish you well


I was just reading another thread about PAWS. Maybe this is what you’re experiencing? Hopefully, it will pass very soon. Taking a day or 2 off work sounds like a great suggestion.


Some extra fresh air and sunshine may help? Destress and relax.

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I remember having this crappy feeling and not understanding what was the cause. I realized that it had nothing to do with anything happening today. I spent years/decades drinking to take away any discomforts. But I never made those bad feelings go away all I did was hide them and once the alcohol was gone all those feelings came out of hiding. It was REALLY hard but I had to learn to just let those feelings be and eventually they moved on. When it was particularly hard I just got on my shoes and went walking. Fresh air was the best treatment.

I can tell you that eventually I got through most of these old emotions. They do hit me once in a while but for the most part I now feel crappy about current crappy situations. :grin:


This is normal, it sucks, but normal. We have suppressed our emotions for years with alcohol, and early soberiety will bring those emotions to the surface. Expect very high, highs and dark lows. Think of it as going through emotional puberty. You will adapt and learn to manage it.
Yes, fresh air, sunshine, exercise all help, but managing rage takes time. You are heading in the right direction, deep breaths.


I like how you explained crappy feelings!! Makes great sense. Thank you!