How to recognise PAWS?

Hi everyone,

Would any one mind sharing their experience with PAWS please ?

Whats the earliest it can start after quitting?

Does it just hit you in one go or are there early warning signs its approaching?

How long it can last ?

I have had it before a very long time ago and did recognise that at those times im experiencing it.

I knew i had to not feel bad for taking time out and a break from extra stress, set realistic goals for the day so i didnt feel id let myself down if i piled on a too much a busy day.
That i had to look after myself during a period of PAWS and understand it to get through it.

I just feel it would be really nice to hear first hand experience from some of you instead of google.

Thanks everyone for your support :slightly_smiling_face:


I found this on you tube to help us understand PAWS.


If I remember correctly from what I learned in treatment I think it might be at around like 60-90 days sober is when it can hit you. It can last 6 months to a year depending on what you were using.


I remeber getting it from time to time when i did 8 years sober , it would last for approx 2 weeks each time for the first year and a half.
Im day 23 and think i have it ?? Maybe its too soon ?
And just my body stull getting back to normal. Or its a migraine on its way lol i dno going try not to think about it too much


@HoofHearted posted a really nice graph giving a sense about various phases of withdrawal including PAWS.

There are certainly things we can do to help the process, I think. Eating right, sleeping right, getting some exercise, all seem to help me stave off that brain fog.



Aye, my favorite chart @Eke ! In addition…

Often times, people describe it as feeling hungover: Tiredness, fatigued, headache, nauseous, brain fog, irritability, depression, anxiety - all out of the blue and without apparent cause. You may experience some or all of the symptoms. It can occur anytime after the acute withdrawal symptoms end (few weeks to months after quitting).

Typically, the PAWS only lasts one to three days, and intensity lessens with over time. If the acute withdrawals was a 9 out of 10, then your first PAWS episode may be like 6, the next a 4, then a 2 and so on.

It’s really not anything to worry about, it’s just you may go to bed feeling great and wake up in a funk and not known why.

I stopped really noticing PAWS episodes after about 9 months, and really only had a handful of possible episodes.


Since this is my first time to stop drinking, I’ve been researching what all I’m in for so that I’m prepared. I absolutely don’t want to relapse. I learn best by reading, and this article is a pretty concise explanation on symptoms to expect as well as coping strategies. Hang in there, it’s just a temporary phase we have to go through. Sending you strength :heart:


Thank you so much for the information everyone it really helps, i definitely think understanding that it just temporary and not to give up, the time will pass and it goes away.

Im just taking it easy watching tv made a snack to eat when im hungry too.
Since giving up i seem to be able to enjoy the small things in life alot more and be grateful for them.

Its so nice having you all here i really mean that!

I also think as its getter dark really early here in the uk, that contributing to some low feelings too.

I feel alot better just taking it easy and knowing your all here and i am here for you all too !!

Have lovely evening and thanks again.