I just relapsed again

I’m finding it so hard to stay away from the drink, I know i think it helps with my battles and demon’s but I know deep down it doesn’t, all it does is keep me locked in a cage. I lost my grandmother/ best friend 4 months ago and I was a drink before she died but now I just find it hard to keep pushing forward and making her proud. Does anyone have any help or advice for me.


Gotta change up your routine and surroundings and pick yourself back up! It’s hard very hard I relapsed many times…try getting into Kava stress tea and Exercise! Also look up “Hard times “ motivation videos and listen to them the first 20 min you wake up.


I’m also sorry for your loss :frowning: I lost my Grandma to and she was basically my mother.


Thank you! Means alot! I will do, I’ll listen too em and change it up a bit!


For me, I had to change people, places and things. If it was connected to drinking…it was out of my life. I got on here daily…spent A LOT of time on here. At 89 days that just wasnt cutting it…so I walked in to AA. I was totally opposed to AA in the beginning…but I valued my life more than my opinion of AA…945 days later I am sober!


Wow! Thank you!

Be careful what you recommend. Some kavatea psychoactive/ a drug.

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Find your Why brother and do it for her!! Find your why!! I drank tea like a mad man quitting!! Keep fighting and don’t be hard on yourself.

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Thank you brother!

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It’s been my experience that I have to access some type of help outside of myself in order to recover and stay sober.

The below link has a list of resources that other members here have found useful in their recovery. I suggest checking it out and giving something a try. Personally, I use therapy and the Recovery Dharma program. I am also on this app everyday. Stick around. :+1:t2:

Resources for our recovery


I will do! Thank you for the support!

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Acknowledge your emotions, we are too fond as addicts on picking up our DOC as thats all we are use to.

I know the feeling on grief, there have been days in the last two weeks where I’ve thought about picking up and I’ve genuiely gone into a NA meeting and listened… as someones story who shares will give you that push to know it’s okay to feel.
I dont have it all figured out but I know instead of saying I’m okay when I’m really not to friends and my therapist I’ve actually talked on how I’m feeling be that anger that they’ve been took, sadness that I will never see them again and even that moment of shock that they really are gone.

Be kind to yourself, we cant change our past events, the what if and if only… but you can start doing something to better yourself.

Also here has been a big help, I’ve searched old posts on grief and found different things that have just simply made the day easier.