I just want to be sober

Sometimes I feel like I’m not meant to be sober. When I quit weed I started drinking. Now I’ve totally slowed down on drinking I’m back smoking. My anxiety does not help. They say smoking helps but it makes it worse for me. I’m trying to quit it all now


Welcome back! When I quit smoking my drinking went way up. When I quit drinking my sugar intake went way up. Once I started really examining the WHY of using substances, it helped break that cycle. The substances were numbing my emotions, which I hadn’t ever really learned it was OKAY TO FEEL THEM, THEY WILL PASS. I honestly hadn’t felt anything without a drug or alcohol in my system for decades. It was a big leap to allow myself to feel…including feeling my anxiety…which was also something I was self medicating for. Sobriety brought clarity once I realized all this. And also sobriety HELPED heal some of my anxiety…I still get wicked anxious at times, but I use my healthy tools to self soothe (physical activity, warm baths, meditation, breathing, journaling, talking, etc).

I did the same as you for a VERY long time before it all clicked and I got that for me I had to figure out what I was hiding from, covering up, drinking at.

Idk if you do any therapy, but it might help. Finding other outlets other than substances may help as well. Journaling, writing stuff out, helps me release it. Another reason I am often posting such long winded replies! :woman_shrugging: They help me work things out.

So…glad you are here and still trying. Keep coming back and reading and interacting and examining your WHY. :heart:


Thank you. You words meant a lot!

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Happy to hear that!! We are all in this together!


Wow! It’s been awhile.

Welcome back!


You can do it Tasha :purple_heart: I’m glad you’re on here to get support.

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I also just want to be sober. I have been smoking weed for 24 years, everyday. I had convinced myself that my drug use was warranted with all of the stress of my daily life. Now I’m ready to quit. I’ve tried before. The most I could do was two weeks before I gave in, tail between my legs. I say let’s do this together. I joined this community because nothing helps more than the support of others that are going through the same struggles. We got this sis!


Yes I have been smoking for 22 years. I was able to quit for 3 years and took one hit and started back in September of 2019. I am honestly just tired of smoking. And want to be done with. This is my 2nd day without. It’s a struggle but Ik I did it once before I can do it again. We got this!!

Yes when I came here the first time I was able to quit for 3 years. This space helped me a lot.


If you did 3years before you can do it again odaat remember how you felt when you were sober you can get back to that wish you luck on your journey


Thank you for responding, means a lot. Three years sober gives me encouragement and thank you for reminding me that relapse is always a possibility with one misstep. I am so happy I found this space. I really need the support and I will always send the love back.


I want to welcome you @Skylove and @MizzTT welcome back! I’ve only been on this app for 4 months, been in this up and down of relapse for a while, years if I’m being honest and today is day 10 for me. This community has been amazing for me and if there is anything I can do, give an ear or support, I am here, I want to be there for you as people have been there for me. I don’t have a ton of recovery time or wisdom (at least I don’t think so lol) but I do know what your going through and can support you and recovery. :heart:


Whenever you want to talk I’m here. We can do it together! :two_hearts:

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Thank you so much! This means a lot!

Thank you so much. :heart: means a lot to me

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