I keep making same mistakes of thinking I am ok to drink


I am having a really hard time with drinking and myself. I been depressed and I feel like it is gettint worse I found it so hard to get out of bed this weekend. I only slept did not eat. I feel like I am spiraling and do know where to turn please help.


Alcohol is a depressive, it makes u feel crap, even if there is depression to start with, it makes it worse. Not to mention the embarrassment of stupid things u may have done. I have felt on that downward spiral myself. The good thing about a spiral is u can make it go the other way. Why don’t u google some videos about sobriety to get info and motivation?


Keep coming here…give yourself some self care,food, water, anything other than alcohol that will make you feel a bit better…nice meditation music,…but important is food and water :pray::pray::pray:

Try to break that spiral to make little goals for today like: today I shower and eat 3 small healthy meals. It makes you have to get dressed as well because you have to get some groceries as well.
Come back here after the day is done to tell us about your day and make new goals for tomorrow but keep them small. After a few days you can make those goals a big bigger if you like.
Big goals starts with small steps!!
Ps, I do not know how far you are in recovery? But after a longer strech of sober days you will feel loads better. Alcohol made me depressed as well :frowning:)

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You need to get out and move. Even if it’s for 10 minutes make an effort a couple of times a day to get outside and walk around. It also sounds like you may be isolated, try and find someone to talk to who can help you to problem solve the situation you find yourself in. When you break things down into small manageable steps, the problem you face doesn’t seem so big and overwhelming. Change doesn’t happen overnight and isn’t easy - but going back to the drink isn’t going to make your life easier either.

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Thanks for all the advice! I made some goals for the day that I want to achieve. I am talking to a counselor. Trying to pave my way back more balanced human being.


Happy you are reaching out.
Eventually the only one who can change this is you. You’ll have to do it yourself… But not alone.
Visit an NA Meeting. It might feel weird but it keeps me clean and sober for almost 22 months to date.

In NA you’ll be recognised and accepted. Dont carry your bourdon alone :heart:

Good luck finding your path, this is mine

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I wouls love to go to AA meeting but the country I live in does not have very many of those. Sad but I have to try to find alternatives.


There is online meetings,most of the day…:+1:


When I came on here I was on the same boat. I was so depressed and had embarrassed myself because I couldn’t stop. It was a big wake up call. Feeling so upset and down made it real. I’m glad you are here. Means you recognize something isn’t right. Keep coming in here it will help so much. I’m on my second week and although it’s been hard it feels so much better than waking up hungover and embarrassed about the night before.
Please reach out if you want to talk. Support on here has been great.


NA is also just fine for someone alcoholic.

I hope you’ll find your path or try online perhaps

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