I keep relapsing and don't know what to do!

I keep relapsing and don’t know what to do!


Something different… and usually all the things you don’t want to do. Get to some meetings either irl or online, read loads of self help books, watch you tube videos, read all the advice on here, ASK FOR HELP!!!
Take action, start thinking of how you could help others instead of helping yourself to your doc. Have a plan. Next time you fail take a look at all the things you couldn’t be bothered to do again. I spent years going round in circles wishing myself sober with no success until one day I actually started to do what other sober people did.


Welcome Anna! So glad you found us.
I didn’t know what to do either and everything I tried on my own wasn’t working. I finally had to surrender and ask for help, something I thought I would never do, but turns out it was the best decision I’ve ever made. I found that initial help in an intensive outpatient program that gave me the foundation I needed to start racking up some days. I then moved onto AA and have been successfully clean and sober from all substances for 4.5 years. Don’t hesitate to do some research on resources available in your area. You can do this!
Wishing you the best on your journey.

Never give up, Anna. Remember you aren’t a failure, but you need to learn what additional work, skills, tools you need to add to avoid relapse. For example, how can you deal with situations or triggers that cause relapse in the first place? I agree with the advice already posted here too.

Read the Bible and seek God for deliverance. Do not be tempt of things you don’t need. Turn away from those substance and let great things come into your life. Join sober-free activities like volunteering, join a group or help out at the hospital. He can provide you with all you need. According to your faith, it will be given to you. - Matthew 9:29 I believe in you as much I believe in myself. I’m about to be one month clean and I ain’t going back to it no more :pray:t5::blue_heart:

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Welcome, cravings are tough and I find that motivation to stay clean helps me. I find motivation from examining my reasons for moving away from substances; health, relationships, sleep, work, money. I also have read books explaining the consequences of using on a person’s body. When I experience cravings I try to power through and reflect on what I have learned and how I don’t want to go back to all the negatives associated with substances, for me, alcohol. This has worked for me so far.