I knew it was coming , still unbelievably horrible

Sorry i didn’t reply sooner.

Just a lot on my plate, literally with life crap, but moreso emotionally exhausted. Im same. I torture myself over things ive said/done when drinking, its all well and good folk telling you not to let it get to you, but, sorry, thats bollocks. Nothing will stop those feelings, its not letting them send you down the same old routine of drinking them away, losing a few weeks, waking up in a+e stitched up head, god knows what, (all this happened to me on numerous occasions ) , i really dont know where im going with this reply, just wanted to thank you for your comment.

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Do us both a favor…and I mean really do it…look yourself in the mirror at least once a day, everyday, and say “I love you. You are ok. You are forgiven. All will be well. This too shall pass”