I love her

I have been in a relationship for about 2 years I am newly clean I have about 15 days in recovery and I want to know how do I keep her she wants to get clean but isn’t just yet what do I need to do


Be supportive the best way that you can. It will mean so much if you do that. Congratulations on your sobriety though, great first step.


Congratulations Joshua to you 15 days!! That’s really great and you can be really proud of yourself!
Ah, partners still in addictions are really tough. In my experience, taking care of your own sobriety is the only way. We cannot control the choices other people make, but we can lead by example and hope at some point our loved ones will find the courage to start their own journey. There is a thread here that might be helpful. Wishing you well and hope to see you around.


Ty that’s what I a trying to do lead by example


Keep the communication with her about it open… keep your sobriety. Let her know what you like better about being sober. You could keep a running list going and leave it out where it’s visible.

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Your soberiety must come first above all things. Often addiction can create these codependent situations where two people are a bad influence on each other or use elements of the relationship (an argument for example) as a reason to use. Focus on yourself not the relationship. If you get sober then good things will follow naturally.


Thank you of you guy for your words of encouragement I’m trying to find the best medium where I give her as much respect and support as I can and also make sure I stay clean and safe so ty all today she is supposed to go buy cigarettes and turn herself into a medical detox plz keep her and I in your prayers IDK if I’m gonna speak with her or anything but talked to her yesterday and that’s what she said so I’m just waiting and praying


I hope that with your sobriety and personal journey that it brings encouragement for her to change, and a growing strength and commitment for you.

All the best.

She said this morning that she is gonna do it she is using this weekend to do laundry and get all her stuff together for treatment


That’s great. Be supportive

I’ve been trying to be as supportive as I can she has a phone but won’t activate it but on a positive note she did say she can’t wait till the next NA meeting so there is a seed panted in her head so that’s good but she isn’t clean yet but at least she is interested in the meetings and the message