I love my girlfriend, but not her drinking

I entered into a relationship while my addiction was going full force. She also had addiction issues. After a while I realized the only thing we were good at together was using. It ended badly but after that I was able to get sober. In a way I miss certain parts of the relationship but today I am finally working on myself and the next time I pull the relationship trigger it will be for the right reasons. I would never be able to stay sober in a toxic environment. Most of the time the right answer is the hardest one to choose. I feel for you my friend and hope you choose what’s best for YOU.

I feel it may be beneficial to share a bit of my story here.

I met my now hubby and our relationship kind of blossomed while we met up and went out and drinking was always a part of getting together. Eventually as we got together more and more and eventually moved in together, our drinking became a daily thing. Now that we lived together we would drink nightly and on weekends we would drink all day. We got married back in 2013 and are still together now as we both decided to quit cold turkey (back in Nov), we HAD to. Period. We’ve had incidences and lots of fights some with our kids present to which they would call our exes for them to come get them. It was HORRIBLE! We both came out of our previous marriages with lots of baggage (I’d share but probably best for another time and post!) and we had become accustom to drinking… drink for drink for drink, for years.

Basically we just HAD to stop or else our marriage would had suffered even more, plus our kids and our health. We decided our marriage, our health and our kids are worth more than the booze. If either of us ever decides to start drinking again and the other doesn’t, our marriage will probably end because it had gotten THAT bad.

Just my 2 cents. Wish you well!!


The whole truth!