I’m back, it’s been a really hard few months

This word came to mind when I read your post. :black_heart:
You changed the trajectory of your journey and you’ve stood by it regardless of some life threatening challenges. :clap:


Thank you @SoberSassy, I really appreciate you for saying that :grin: I got transferred to a different hospital for physiotherapy in April. I heard a doctor say I’d be lucky if I got discharged by July. Hearing that changed my whole mindset and I crushed the physiotherapy. I was discharged in May on Mother’s Day. My mom said that was the greatest Mother’s Day present she ever got.


Thank you for your kind words. I truly believe that my Higher Power really was looking out for me. It wasn’t my time yet.


Your post got me thinking about this part of the serenity prayer…

Living one day at a time;
Enjoying one moment at a time;
Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace;

You really are a strong human! Thank you for showing all of us that it is possible.

Thinking of you! Sending you strength! x


Prayers and blessings

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Hi @341 welcome to ts :+1:

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Booze or drugs will not make your situation better. Or solve your probs. Rationally think about it my friend, your temptation is removed.

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