I’m Carrie and I’m an alcoholic

I am 3 days sober, again. I went to my meeting tonight and they asked does anyone feel like drinking?

I stood and said YES! I mean really, hell yes!!! Every fricken day I want to drink. I mean really isn’t that why we are here? I find this question quite humorous and I chuckle a little inside every time they ask it.

I want to drink. I wish I could drink and stop at 1 or 2, but I can’t. I know that. So today I did not drink.

Thanks for letting me share, that’s all I got for tonight.


Hello and welcome! This is a great tool.

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I wish more people would admit that during meetings. We are alcoholics. It’s natural for us to want to drink. However, that obsession and compulsion can be lifted by practicing the 12 steps. I know it’s early yet, but have you considered getting a sponsor?


That’s all you need for tonight @Carrie514. Congratulations on the first 3!

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@Englishd thanks! Yes I actually met a lady tonight that I really connected with. I may ask her to be my sponsor :wink:


That’s excellent. For me I had to immerse myself in the program. Some people can get by just fine with going to meetings and fellowshipping. I tried that way and it didn’t work. I have found relief in practicing the steps. I pray you find the willingness bc it’s so great living in this program.


Thank you for saying that. Gave me a smile. It seems almost like a sin to say out loud. So thanks again for reminding me of the things we all have in common, not the differences.