I’m done with this ce

Thank you!!


Thanks for posting this! I was on lunch at work earlier and didn’t have time to find it. Zach, let us know what you think :thinking:

How was your day Zach?

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I’ve been told that about myself when I used to drink

It’s was a decent day. Even though I caved I kinda feel as if it were a part of this whole process. To remind me of how shitty I feel when I do. Back on board again. Positive outlook on things.


Glad to hear it Zach. It’s like getting an engine working again. Gotta search around and install the right parts and the right fuel. Probably need to tinker with something to get this engine running at full strength now (one day at a time of course). You’ll figure it out :+1:


Replacing blinker fluid now.


I just read this tonight, and you thread popped up.

“By paying attention to our actions and the results of those actions, we can begin to change where our choices are leading”

Dont know if it will help. You have come a long way since you started here.


Man I’m trying every day. And every day is a struggle. Almost a battle in my head. But I always think about the horrific outcome that happens almost every time. Not worth it. But sometimes for some reason I give in anyways.


Breaking old habits is hard! Making new ones is too, but I’m here to tell you it’s doable! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:
Once you see and feel all the benefits you’ll see how insane it is to keep it up.


I get it. I was in that cycle for a long, long time. In the beginning, this time…
I journaled every single day. I slowly found patterns…then I could change those patterns and be prepared for the things that “made” me drink.


How’s your engine today Zach?

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Sore from a great workout yesterday. This weekend is going to be tough. Gonna plan some stuff to do and keep busy.


And check in here numerous times a day.


Beautiful morning here


Feeling sore after a hard workout brings a whole new (and positive) feeling to the “morning after”, doesn’t it? :innocent:

Now that’s what I call a great way to spend the morning :+1:

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Do you have different plans from your usual? For me, recognizing habits that went along with drinking and changing those habits was really helpful for me. For example, the last time I relapsed was Because of a triggering event at a patients house. I since refused to see them and had someone else take over. It was that impt. I chose to lose money to stay sober

We’ve got you!

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Yea trying to change up my daily routine. I used to do workouts in the morning and by afternoon would be bored and want to drink. Now I work out mid afternoon and it helps with not wanting to ruin that. Also takes up some time and I’m usually ready to eat right after. I think my daily routine being tweaked a little is helping


Have you got any books on the go?

It was one of the greatest helps to me, to read books about quitting or soberiety success stories, I highly recommend getting some books on the go, nice and easy to pick up if you’re bored.

Don’t let the addictive voice trick you into drinking, it’ll tell you anything to get you to pick up a drink. Shut that voice down instantly and as many times as you need to. It could be very frequent, but quash it every time.


Hey Zach how are you doing? Find Anything new you added to your routine to help maintain sobriety?

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