I’m having problems with my posts

Sorry my post s are weird today. it seems to be jumping around and I can’t reply properly, it goes into new topic or puts it in the wrong place it might be my phone or it might be my head :face_with_spiral_eyes:


It sometimes happens, log out of TS completely, restart your phone then log back into TS and see if it makes a difference. It’s worked for me before now, if not log an issue with TS support.
Nice place zomerzet, I’m from across the Bristol Channel and the south a fair bit, but I now live in Sheffield miles from the sea :disappointed_relieved:


Hi Jim! Long time no see! Still enjoying coffee? All healed up now I hope! @Lezourez

Corine I think I’ve had to log out and re sign in before too when my app was being wonky. If you can’t sort it out with restarting or support, I think you can have moderators move posts…@19801


Lmao …yep I love my wurzels county of Zomerzet and thanks it seemed to sort itself out but I’ll do what you suggested next time :+1:


It kept autocorrecting my z for Somerset! How rude

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Yep fully healed and going to the gym, something I thought I’d never do