I’m here again

Reading this brought back a rough feeling. I can’t count the number of times towards the end, that I’d be in the supermarket early in the morning after a really hard night drinking, and finishing off eye openers in the morning, and thinking, ahh these people can’t tell. Then stopping and grabbing a bottle of something and beer on the way out. It’s just sad

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Sorry if it made you feel rough Joe, that wasnt my intention :pray::heart:

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No I know. I actually think it’s good to read posts that resonate with you and put you back in the mindset of how bad it was. I honestly don’t ever want to forget that. :+1::green_heart:


You CAN do this. If you read through the forum you will find a common theme - most, if not all of us failed repeatedly until finding success. If anything, you’re lucky you only failed in the safety of your home with a partner that cares enough to talk to you about it. Not everyone fails in that situation. You’re here, you obviously are upset about the situation. The slippery slope all starts with that first sip, as addicts it triggers that craving that biologically and psychologicaly we are not equipped to handle. It always sounds like a gross simplification by saying just don’t take the first drink, but from my experience if you can start to build some methods for avoiding the first drink it is much more streamlined approach for avoiding multiple day benders. It’s so much harder after the first drink! Once you take the first one you are battling mental and physical cravings. I’ve said it before in the forum, but you can’t ever get drunk if you don’t take the first drink. Something that has stuck with me since I got sober. I feel for you because the sneaky drinking is just so debilitating and filled with shame.

I just want you to know you can do it, I thought I was absolutely hopeless and would be so confused what was wrong with me, and I did it.


Thank you so much, that makes so much sense. One drink is never enough and my mind finds all sorts of ways to convince me that having another will be absolutely fine which is obviously never the case! I’m getting so much amazing advice on here and taking it all on board. Thank you :blush:


You got this! I know the feeling and i have four younger children. It feels terrible and hurts snd u know it hurts others. Keeo your head up and pick yourself up and keeo going!!!

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This is well said @Yoda-Stevie, honestly why I chose sobriety…for good.

@Blondie75 first thank you for your honesty. It takes a lot but here your among family. I’m glad you’re getting the advice and support you need here. This forum never ceases to amaze me with the love, understanding and encouragement that seems endless.

From experience…you don’t want to visit rock bottom. I pray you don’t and this prior episode solidifies that desire.

I’m sure a lot here have unfortunately hit rock bottom and have lived to tell…others…we’re not so lucky….


I to did not make it yesterday. Gonna try again today, fortunately i didn’t drink as much yesterday so I dont feel as bad. But I’m going to do it, I went 7 months last year before getting a triple bypass and started back. I’ve got to do this for health and because I want to. Thanks everyone

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You got this its not easy and its hard remember its a disease and u can over come it!

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Welcome back Sarah- you know what to do as you’ve had some good recovery :mending_heart: Like I’ve told you before, you’re more than welcome to come to the AA meeting I open up on a Saturday evening. Only 30 mins from you and lots of ladies that come :pray:


Remind me about this meeting?


I’ll PM you :+1: