I’m new here & need some mental guidance

Welcome Taylor :hugs:
It looks like you got some good support here from some fine folks already.

When I first found this app I just did gratitude. Right here. Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #3
I got so much to be grateful for when I’m sober. I read it. I write it and now I’ve retrained my brain and live it. I wake up in the morning and can’t wait to list what I’m grateful for. Especially no hangovers and I’m sober.

I do Al-Anon meetings and they are very helpful as my children use to be addicts and my wife is an addict.

I’m glad you’re here. Read around and join in when your comfortable.
One day at a time. :pray:t2: ODAAT
Take what you like. Leave the rest.

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Hi Taylor,

I had struggled for a long time until i found SMART. SMART can be used in conjunction with AA. It wasnt until I got into SMART recovery that things really really changed for the better in my life. They have free online meetings where help and advice is regularly and freely shared.

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I was a lot like you. I didnt drink all the time either but when i i did i binged. I also woke up to damage control and much regret. I decided i have a problem with alcohol because i cant have just one. So now im 28 days sober and feeling great. I decided i had a problem with alcohol so i choose to not drink any more and im better without it. I sleep better and work better and im just a better person to my family without it. I ho to meetings when i can too and i find it helps a lot. I wish you well on your journey.


Thank you :heart: I’m sick of my shit & officially at the point where I understand my way is not going the right way! Thank you for reminding me I’m not alone in this! I’ve been listening to podcasts as well!! & I’m in the middle of watching the stutz documentary & WOW! It’s so good. If you get a chance watch it. We got this


Thank you for the kind words. This cycle of abuse on ourselves is terrifying but can be so rewarding once we get thru it each & every day. I actually laid my head down last night & felt peaceful. Woke up this morning ready to take on my day & grateful to be able to do so.

One day at a time, we got this :heart:

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Congratulations on making it 28 days. :heart: we know we need to change when we are tired of our own shit! I’m thankful for this community & all you have been able to share
Alcohol has ruined so many things for me. Binge drinking has always been my downfall.
I’m so grateful to say today I will not drink.

I’m here for you! :heart:

I haven’t fully tried a 12-step program. I’ve never been at the point I am in my sobriety. I want it BAD this time.

I’m going to do an online meeting today.


Great :smiley: # One step is acceptance. You have done that. Congrats :tada: of being sober this far !! Way to go. Now I have been sober for almost 6 years now. Due GOD & AA program and the lovely support and team I have began me and I’m front of me :grin: I’m Blessed for that. You and I have matching stories to some degree​:face_holding_back_tears: Ot took me sometime to realize I was an alcoholic, and I used alcohol as a crutch for my pain and emotions. My father drinks, He is retired. I do remember him drink when I was little. He only used to drink beer at the time only. He kept a job very good job :clap:t5: he’s retired from. Saying this l, he drinks harder and like it to this day. Now that’s no excuse for me when I use to drink. What made me stop. I to done a mistake to my two love once’s and it cost me. Not them leaving me. But letting me go and figuring out my problem. I for sure need that. Since that day I changed and made a new kid for myself and haven’t picked up a drink since. I did it for me and not to loose my family who I care deeply about. You can do this and please HOLD ON!! Try going to a AA meeting and meeting people that are like you!! They can show you and help you believe me :smiley::smiley::pray:t5: I will keep u in my prayers :pray:t5: Don’t give up :up: please ok :ok_hand:t5:

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