I’m new....looking for motivation

Today is day 1 for me. And this isn’t easy. Just checking in, reading others stories and looking for daily motivation. Thanks.


Welcome :smile:

Best advice I can give anyone new is to take things slow and 1 day at a time. Remember we didn’t become addicted in 1 day or 1 week, so recovery is going to take time. Read as many stories on here that you can relate to, try to post at least once a day, whether its a reply or a regular post. Depending on your DOC, I would highly recommend NA, AA, SMART, or like myself, a combination of everything. There are tons of great resources here and online in general. Coming from someone who got 0 support and I mean 0 support from anyone outside of NA or this forum, find lots of resources, try meditation if you don’t do so already, and set small and large goals for yourself. Not just regarding recovery, but every day life tasks! Know that you are not alone in this journey and plenty of people are here to help, including me. I’ve always gotten pleasure and enjoyment out of helping a newcomer because I was there before, and there is no better feeling to me than seeing someone I’ve helped get better and happier day by day.


Welcome to the tribe! Like @Bostonbruins2018 said, taking it one day at a time is key; all we have is today, so just focus on that.

I look forward to going on this journey with you!


hi @Jessanne! welcome :slight_smile: some idea to cultivate motivation are writing lists of personal goals you want to accomplish short-term (home projects, art projects, detail your vehicle, read a book you’ve been eyeing, etc) to keep yourself busy during times of boredom (when many of us abuse a substance). also, think about getting on one of those ‘first month is really cheap’ workout centers like yoga or crossfit. happy day 1! you got this :muscle:


Thank you so much!

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Welcome @Jessanne. Well there’s not much I can say that hasn’t already been said so eloquently. If you need anything just holler :slightly_smiling_face:

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Definitely agree with all the above. Read, read and read some more! The FAQs thread has tons of useful links to get you started and you will find lots more using the search function :mag:

Reach out whenever you need to - we all have different backgrounds and stories but we are all here, taking it one day at a time :pray::sparkling_heart:


Mr Motivator!


Welcome and congrats on day 1. I’m a week in now. My doc is alcohol. As @Bostonbruins2018 said there’s a bunch of people here willing to listen and help you throughout your journey. Don’t be a stranger, reach out whenever you’d like. We are ALL going through some form of addiction and we all have your back. Best wishes to youon your journey!


Ok on to day 2, and I was good throughout the morning but really really struggling this afternoon. I hate that I think about getting high more than I want too. And I get waves of happy emotions and than craving again. Still staying strong though. You all are so amazing! I immediately came on here when I started feeling weak.