I’m new to sobriety

Hello! I’m new, 18 days sober today. I started 23 years ago and had only managed to be sober about 3 years out of that. I moved to a completely different state where I dont know anyone. I know where there’s WILL there’s a WAY but i want to use that for a positive purpose to stay sober & not look for my doc. I’ve never talked about the addiction but I need to. I can’t sleep and having crazy dreams. Some days I’d rather get high than go thru this withdrawal…


Welcome Rita. Being honest and open about our disease is something I do with most folks, it helps me with acceptance. This drunk can’t be the actor again.


I understand that. I have managed to keep drinking under control, is that a thing? Until i dont, maybe I’m in denial about that addiction? I’ll not totally sure. Its the cocaine that has/had a death grip on my life. And I’ve been so embarrassed to say my doc, bc it’s not like smoking weed, it’s a hard drug. But I’m not gonna lie it’s my comfort like potatoes on a rainy day or a security blanket. Ugh i hate it…thank you for your comment :grinning: I’ve never wanted sobriety so I’m not too sure where to start or what is it isn’t appropriate to say.

You’re never going to be wrong by sharing how you feel with a group of like minded addicts and alcoholics. This disease is common and we get better at getting better every day when we do this walk together. It’s a rarity to see a person make it for any length by themselves. This shit is tough. Hugs and happy Friday! Oh, and badass on 18 days!!!


Glad your here Rita. You’ll find so much support. Little by little I’m finding comfort in other things besides the bottle. It started to take instead of give and I know that now. Way to go on 18 days free. Wishing you many more :blush:

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Thank you! Yes, addiction definitely takes…everything.

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Thank you! Yea I’ve half assed tried doing it on my own but Im 43 & I’m like wake the f up Rita. I missed my Son’s high school graduation in May this year bc I got high the night before. A friend paid for my plane ticket and Uber to the airport and i missed it all. I think that was the beginning of my wake up call. :woman_facepalming:t2: In my mind I’m like you’re better than this! I appreciate the support. Im going thru and reading different posts/threads. It’s comforting knowing i don’t have to do this alone alone.


Hi Rita! Thanks to this forum, you will never be alone! We have all fucked up and understand the truth in struggling! Congrats on 18 days, that’s amaze balls for sure, lol!


@Babbs4 Thank you so much! :heart::grin:

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You’re welcome! And welcome to day 19!!!

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