I’m Powerless over fizzy drinks 🥤

Same behaviours and patterns

  • I’ll only have 2 cans a night (have 8 in an hour)
  • buy a 2 litre bottle (have to finish it)
  • I’ll give up for 2 days, reward is to drink to excess
  • once I pop I cannot stop
  • I get withdrawls
  • I get envious over other being able to moderate and just have one can
  • I romanticise drinking it
  • I hide it and don’t let people know how much I drink
  • I’m embarrassed about how much I drink
  • I cannot moderate or control

This is my accountability thread

I’m going to give up, abstinence is the only solution as I’ve tried to control my consumption without any luck

It’s Sunday today so who wants to give up without one last blow out? I’ve already had 6 cans of Diet Coke so I’m starting from tomorrow with a trip to the shop after work to buy a beautiful bottle of Pepsi max

Monday the 25th March I’m going to abstain from fizzy drinks :cup_with_straw:


I am the same way. Always trying to kick it to the curb but always go back to it after 2 days. We got this. :muscle:

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Darren - Sweeteners and caffeine are powerful drugs. When I quit smoking, I applied the 12 steps to the process like you are doing. It worked well for me.

I also learned I was using smoking to cope with my anger. Is there a similar lesson in your soda pop addiction?


It’s great you’ve recognized this addiction and decided to do something about it :+1: My father quit drinking 4 years ago and this has happened to him as well. He was a beer drinker and switched to diet sodas. Like, literally replacing the same amount of cans consumed.

Since you mentioned Coke, I’m wondering if you’re cutting caffeine completely, or you consume other caffeinated beverages, like coffee or tea? Only asking bc I think that’ll be the biggest challenge here, if that’s the case. I was recommended to wean myself off it while pregnant, preparing for breastfeeding, and I still suffered major headaches for over a month.

Anyway. It’s good to hear from you :blush: All the best in this new journey :pray:


I get nauseated if i drink more than one soda in a day. I enjoy the flavor but not the ANGRY pain of two or more
That also helped when i stopped drinking alcohol
So, needless to say, i have stopped fizzy drinks all together

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I just associate it with enjoyment- when I relax at night I have to have one to relax…

I’ll apply my program to it :v:


No other caffeine apart from that

I’m a child so don’t like tea or coffee

It probably is the caffeine I like though :see_no_evil: