I’m scared

I stopped smoking cigs roughly 14 years ago and now I’m about to do the same with marijuana. I suffer from depression and anxiety which stems from a lot of childhood trauma. I’ve stopped smoking weed before but I don’t think I have gone longer than a month. It was a good month although some chronic pain had me smoking again. I want to start setting and slaying goals and I know that with my addictive personality this won’t ever come to fully be if I don’t set boundaries for myself and others. I thrive on discipline or at least I have in the past. I’ve always been caught between being regimented and being a free spirit who doesn’t deal with time nor dates. Quite the conundrum but here I go….


I’ve felt similar. When I’m part of a bigger picture I’ve done well. It helps me to have somewhere to go, somewhere to keep me feeling connected and moving forward.

Welcome Karma! You’re taking a good first step :innocent: