I’m weak and fucked up

I have 7 weeks, and let my self get angry and nervous, Sid serenity prayer and it passe


Welcome to the community Nancy and great work on 7 weeks! Hope the serenity prayer helped :pray: Keep pushing forward :muscle:

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Absolutely what yoga Steve said , those 109 days you earned , and grew in strength and knowledge, you slipped but came back right away, that’s strength and growth , we love you and need you keep coming back. ,

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Im still here! Havent drank but have been having some real tough mental health days. Panic attacks and anxiety. But ill slowly come out.


I have no doubt you will , I only have 6 months, but it’s 6 months again , again , again , again if you get the pic. I am 47 and found AA Thur the courts when I was 19 , and Thur out the years discovered that I am an addict , who cannot drink lmao so it’s taking me losing my wife to this disease, shattering my spine , and finally my 20 year old son calling the cops on me because he was afraid I was going to shoot my neighbor’s because I thought that were spying on me … lmao but finally I found NA . And I feel as though I am home , I belong , I am understood , I am accepted I am loved, and I thank my higher power who I call Jesus for everyone if you guys because of you guys I have managed 6 continuous months of no drugs of any kind and absolutely no alcohol , which is a miracle…


This makes me smile :pray::smiling_face:

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You deserve a sober, happy, life. Panic and anxiety could be caused by or aggravated by your withdrawal from booze - and it doesn’t take much to reactivate those conditions. I’m sure you know where to go to get help with those conditions.

We’re all rooting for you. Bless you :pray: as you wake up sober and implement your plan to stay that way until you go to sleep again tonight.


Believe you can and you will! We believe in you :people_hugging:

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