I made it to 3 days

Congrats on 3 days, Angie! You’re doing great! I’m new to this app and this community and what’s so comforting is that folks here celebrate even the early days of sobriety. My mind always puts myself down by telling myself “You’re only 3 days in, that’s not good enough.” Which is why I can really appreciate this thread. :heart: I am also 3 days in.


@Bfdeirish congratulations on your 3 days. It’s really easy for anyone to get into their own head and put themselves down.

A small change to the words and mindset makes a big change in the narrative…

“You’re 3 days in and you ARE enough”

Your day count can only move as fast as time, sobriety is not about the number of days sober but the actions taken each day to remain sober.

The walk past the shop and not going in it, the picking up of a glass of water and not alcohol.

The small changes make big differences. Small steps get you to the same place as great strides do, just keep moving forward, one minute, one hour, one day at a time!



I love that you’re getting right back into the saddle and trying again!
Also, that you are conscious of the fact that you need to do something different this time.
You know how they say that we can’t expect a different outcome,if we don’t change anything?!
I’m also very, very newly sober and a newbie on TS at Day 11 today!
Good job :muscle:


Welcome! Very proud of you for the decision you have made!!

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Thank you so much! Great advice, I’ll have to remember that. :heart: @ItsTricky

Right there with ya 4th day here so happy!


Day 4 for me too! Im looking forward to day 5 and my first sober weekend in a very,very long time


How you doing today @Angie650 ? :fist_right::fist_left:

Todays my first day :slight_smile: we got this! I’m on MAT.
But we got this. I am learning to just take it minute by minute :black_heart:🧘🏻‍♂


You don’t have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great