I made it to day 5

Ive made it to day 5 clean off oxy. I never thought i could get to this point. I feel so much clearer and in control of my own brain. I have craving from time to time. I go to the bathroom, look in the mirror and remind myself how far i am… that ive got this. I forgot how pretty my sober eyes are. Excited for day 6


Love this post! Good for you!! Sober eyes are beautiful!:star_struck:

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You are doing soooo great! Keep going, we got this!! :two_hearts::pray:t2:

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Yay! Love this :heart: keep up the good work and congrats on 5 days you got this :100::muscle:

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Great job! You can do this.

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That is an awesome effort! Well done! :clap:t2:

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