I miss being sober

I was sober for a whole year in the year of 2020.
And for another 2 and a half years, I refrained from binge drinking.

I had 6 beers once every month or so.

It’s been about 6 months I’ve been back to binge drinking.

I noticed I got sick a lot more often because it must’ve wreaked havoc on my immune system.

I think it’s only been 4 days since my last drink.
And it’s only that way bc I had an issue with my usual establishment I go to.

I’d really like to stop again but I feel I have no support.
I have no will power or energy to try again.
I have no energy to make an effort on my choice of food for health,
Or my career.

I just haven’t had the energy to move onward since my ex and I broke things off.

This isn’t meant to sound as morbid as it may come off.

I just don’t know what to do now.


Hey welcome to the community. You were sober for a whole year so you obviously know you can do it. And you can get plenty of support here or at meetings from other types of programs. It sounds like you might be going through some depression since the thing with you ex happened. Maybe talk to your Doc, see if there’s something they can do to help out with that. I know for me, I had to get help with some of that before I could tackle the addiction problems the right way. Just a suggestion. Glad you’re here

I know that struggle your talking about all to well, the lack of motivation to do the basic of task seems like a massive effort, but if you can just today pick up the phone call your local drug and alcohol services just look at it if you try 1 thing every day to help yaself it doesn’t have to be massive, today it could even be finding out the contact details, tomorrow could be making a call, so on and so forth. Little steps will start to help your perception on life. This community is absolutely amazing but getting local support will really make a difference.

Maybe a meeting might help wish you well

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You can do it again sir, please don’t give up. It’s hard to let go especially when you don’t have support. It scares me hearing from your experience. You have to push forward. I’m holding back the urge to get high and other things and it’s my first day. I’m sure you know this feeling, don’t give up.

That’s exactly what many of my recovered alcoholic friends in AA said before they came to the program with the intention to stay sober for a day and the willingness to do what was suggested to them by people who had themselves successfully gotten sober.

I would suggest you hit some AA meetings. There you will find others like you who have some time under their belt and can be that support you’re looking for. Also, find a sponsor and work the program.

I can relate to you feeling drained of energy and enthusiasm to start sobriety again… but take a moment to think about the time and efforts we make to use our substance of choice. It’s so much work to keep that up and live that lifestyle. This will pass in time, my friend! Hit a meeting, share where you’re at. Keep your head up and take care… give yourself a break!