I miss my children

I started doing meth with my ex husband 9years ago. I quit for a long while and then started using around the time of divorce. I was clean for al most a year and relasped when i hadnt seen my kids in 9 months… I was on a tough road with addiction for a few months and decided it was time to clean my act up again and now been clean for 136 days and praying that i can soon see my children its be 18 months now and i miss the terribly …


Congratulations on your 136 days. I am really sorry about your kids, that is hard. :heart:


Like at @keiti said, 136 days is something to be incredibly proud of. Keep it up and try to help those in your situation if you can. For me when times get tough or I feel like mind is about to spin out- offering help or volunteering helps in more ways you can imagine.


Congrats on your 136 days! And hearing about your kids is heartbreaking- I wish you the very best


I hope you keep being strong im in kinda the same spot with my son one mother to another we got this and im be rooting for u every step of the way u can always talk to me i hope u see your babys soon


I genuinely couldnt even imagine your pain, i have three of my own, but well done thats an amazing achievement!! I really hope you’re reunited soon xx

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Take this time and get right. You’ll get to see your kids again, let them see the best version of you possible.

My kids were taken and placed in foster care for 7 months, it was the hardest, most ego deflating experience I’ve ever had to experience. It was also the biggest blessing ever given to me. My kids were placed with responsible people who could care and look after them while I could focus on me and getting myself in a fit spiritual, mental and financial position to care for them and raise them again.

I feel your pain, I’ve walked in your shoes. Take the opportunity and become the person you want to be, the person they deserve.


Thank you and its hard … Im never gonna go backwards again … Thank you for the support

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What would make everything easier is if i could at least talk to them … I dont want them thinking i choose not to… Their dad is keeping them from me as if hes never done drugs his self… Yea its not right to point fingers im a grown woman and dont make the best decisions at times … But these last 136 days hasnt been easy but i never was to addicted to give it up more so used it as a crutch to feel the void. And for that i was stupid .

136 days is fantastic. Keep up the good work. I hope you get to see your kids sooner rather than later. Keep on going!

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Keep on with your hard work. Congrats! I hope you see them soon. :blue_heart:

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I’m sorry you’re missing your children. But stay the course! Great job. :+1:t3:

I am so sorry. My daughter is 19. She went NC on me. I just starting counseling with her yesterday. Scary. Lean in. We are here.

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I just wanted to update as it’s a happy ending. My daughter is now 24 and she’s back home. We have such an incredible relationship now, better than ever. Things DO change. It’s amazing what the span of years can do. 5 years later along with sobriety, therapy and our relationship with God.