I need a boost of encouragement

I had a bad day yesterday. I let a couple people get to me emotionally and I let them get the best of me by me lashing back out at them. I know it’s better for the mouth to stay silent but it sucks how evil people can be and how narcissistic one can be.


It happens. Sobriety allows us to reflect thoughtfully on our actions and make changes as necessary to maintain our sobriety. It’s okay to have boundaries with those that aren’t supportive. Glad you checked in.


My husband had a bad day 2 days ago. He really blew up, not at me but at a situation. Im not like that so its hard for me to understand how someone can blow so badly and it is also very upsetting for me. I didnt throw any wood in the fire because i dont see the point but it does leave me wanting those upset feelings to go away so my usual coping mechanism would be to drink it away or smoke it away. I was so so tempted but went to a friends house, chatted with her for a bit, went out for a bite at a bar but had lemonade. I went back home and he was asleep so i let him sleep, had a cry, watched a bit of tv. When he woke i gave him a hug and spoke to him very gently as to how he made me feel and lossing your temper so bad doesn’t help or change anything plus only makes your blood pressure go up. He understood and thanked me and told me how much he loved me. Moral of the story, i didnt drink or smoke but in the past i so would have. Navigating through life without alcohol and smokes can be tough. I do look for that crutch or reward from time to time. Im newly sober so still working on things. One day and one moment at a time.


Thank you for sharing. I needed this❤️

I think when your newly sober youve literally got to think of you and only you, put yourself and your sobriety top of your list and anyone that threatens that do your best to stay clear of … thats what i had to do, one being my own mother for a time


I feel all that. Men are my downfall and I always end up with abusive men so I just tried to be friends with them and that even blew up. I hate that this world and people can get so evil and it really hurts me emotionally but I take a step back and realize I can’t change anyone but myself and my surroundings.

You are human and working thru a lot right now. Maybe you learned something from that. I hope you are okay. :heart:

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Yeah I’m ok. Today is a new day. I will overcome and learn from yesterday.


I love your attitude today, learning from those experiences and doing things differently is where real change happens! There isba lot in the world that isn’t my version of ideal but I find for me if I focus on the things that are going well and letting go of the things that aren’t to create space for more goodness to come in, life often seems to be a whole lot brighter. :heart:


Don’t let them get to you! You’re worth it! Stay stable

Wow, I’ve been there. Was with an abusive narcissist for nearly 9 years before I got out. My next “good” guy cheated on me. Relationships can be crap. I’m guilty of putting others first before myself. It doesn’t work lol. I’m trying to learn to make boundaries and put myself first. That’s why I’m trying to get sober. It’s not easy, but I’m determined like you.

Hang in there. We can do this together! :fist::purple_heart:


Don’t let them get you down! You’re more valuable in your personhood than whatever it is they’re saying and doing! Remember your extreme worth!