I need a sponsor in Kentucky

Sponsor in Kentucky needed! Please reach out if you can be a sponsor!

You will find a sponsor at a local AA meeting.


Welcome to the community! If you are talking about AA (or other “anonymous” groups) and sponsorship, this isn’t the place to find a sponsor. Talking Sober is a worldwide community of people who come to give and get support of a variety of addictions or substance and behavior related problems.

Are you attending groups in Kentucky? The best place to find a sponsor is through an in person or virtual (online) group that is specific to your addiction. If you don’t have access to in person meetings, you can check out intherooms.com (or download their app) to find an online meeting. I hope others chime in here, because I don’t have a lot of experience with AA or NA. But I do know that the groups are very welcoming, whether you’re in person or online, and if you share that you’re looking for a sponsor there may be people who are willing to connect with you.

I hope you take full advantage of this community and take the time to read around and learn from what others have shared. Glad you are here.

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Go to a meeting get one there wish you well