I need help but embarrassed to admit it

We’ve all been there, 1 day , 2 days, 1 week. The key is to keep trying and learning each time. Each time it gets longer, you learn more, and eventually it will stick. The more sober days you add up the more you will realize how bad it was before. Good Luck!!!
:four_leaf_clover: :four_leaf_clover: :four_leaf_clover:

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I highly recommend checking in daily to maintain focus on the checking in daily to maintain focus. It really helps. You’ve got this :smiley:

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E, here is the daily check-in thread that @anon89207786 indicated.
It is a running check-in thread for folks on TS.


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I’ve been there before too! Great to see that your positive about it, that is super helpful!

Will definitely plan to…my weaknesses come on my way home from work when i stop to get something


this is my worst time too. I stop by the grocery store on the way home and by more that I need


Say NO to the drink that matters most. The first drink.


I really needed to hear that today


Hi E hope you’re doing ok. Stay strong friend, do whatever you need to do. Change your route, carpool with someone (safely), anything to make it through the day. Check in with us here after work before you head out & then commit to checking in when you get home. Take care sister, you’re a good person, you matter, and you deserve a sober life where you feel good about yourself :smile:

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You just did the hardest part - reaching for help. Good for you! Visit forums daily and check in. Write, read, ask questions and answer some if you like too.

Stay strong! :muscle::grin::+1:


Making it a goal to come.here regularly !!!


Good! We’ll be glad to see you & cheer you on! You can do this :muscle: :+1:

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Hey! So glad you are here and keep coming back! I’ve done exactly the same…had many day 1’s…but there will be a day 1 that finally sticks :+1:t3: I’m back and on day 7 today… I find ‘playing the tape forward’ helps sooooo much! If I take that first drink…it will be ‘good’ but the ones after will just get more and more shit. Then the cycle will repeat itself. Last night I had a wobble (Friday night) but I played it forward and knew that I’d wake up feeling total shit and shame at 3am and would end up blacking out like I usually do…then the next day would be hungover and yuck. Woke up this morning so grateful I didn’t have that drink…I’m like you, nobody but the hubby knows my struggle (he has his own…so we are supporting each other)… get a few days under your belt and it will get easier. Maybe instead of grabbing shots or whatever…,get yourself a nice AF drink you can have after work. I’m fully loving my diet ginger beer at the moment. Really helps to reach for that when witching hour hits. Goodluck babe! You’ve got this!! :two_hearts:



Anna, great job on 7 days!!! You are doing very well.

E keep Coming back and starting. Each time you learn more, gather more tools, and finally make a stand.

I cannot remember how many resets I had before I put in10 days, a month, then 3 months … on and on.


Thank you !!! And congratulations on day 7. My mind is my weakest tool right now amd i hate it. But i think your process of reminding myself how shitty i feel the next day is a motivation to NOT take that first drink that leads to endless ones
I truly appreciate your words your story, you TOO have got this :purple_heart:

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Best of luck :100:

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We here !!!

And going nowhere!! Keep shouting out and probz for posting.
The first day of the rest of your life :hugs:
Hang in there

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