I need help, I can’t fight this alone

Thanks for all your help Matt, you’re a great person man. Pls continue to guide us!

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The hardest part is always admitting that we have a problem. Once we surrender and admit we need help. Then we can begin to heal


First, understand that you are not a disappointment to God. Guilt and shame are tools of the evil one to make you want to hide from God. God knows what temptation feels like, as his Son was tempted time and again during his time on earth.

All sin is equal in the eyes of the Lord. All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.

So while you are feeling shame and guilt over your addiction, you don’t recognize that as a believer your sins have been atoned for. Every. Single. One. While you are hating on yourself for what is a real human struggle, you forget that grace is there to cover your sin.

You have already been forgiven for each and every failure. Accept this as the first step in overcoming your addiction. You want to be free, and the Lord is rooting for you. He knows your struggle, and has led you here.

Welcome to the forum. I hope you will stay, share and grow. Here you will find many beautiful souls who daily overcome that which held them in bondage. Alcohol, Drugs, Food, PMO, Gambling, Gaming, all manner of things that keep us from becoming our best selves.



Hello Jay! Welcome to the forum! There are love & sex addicts here, you’re not alone. So many good advice given above, I don’t much to add. It’s hard but not impossible. Don’t give up, even if you needed to go to lengths that might seem silly. I lived a few years without internet in my house at some point, just for my own sake, to give an example.