I need help on NoFap

I keep relapsing every 3-4 days, i cant pass that idk. any advice pls? I want ti be fapless

Hi @ZaLo If you know that 3-4 days is your cycle then that’s a great start. I know myself and many others had to claw up from hours and hours of use multiple times every day. What tends to happen on that 3rd day to trigger a relapse? Are you working a 12 step program? Do you have recovery partners to contact/call?

We have a men’s thread that Andre or Matt could invite you too. I’m assuming youre a guy since you used the term ‘fap’. If not there’s a woman thread as well I believe.
@Matt @RetainKing

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Done! …

Finally joining after using the app / forum anonymously for a few weeks trying to do nofap again…

Sorry to hear you’re struggling. Keep at it and be proud of what you’re achieving so far.

When do you use? Is there something healthy you can do instead. Some people substitute push ups/Burpees or other exercise?

For me it’s all about when I use. Perhaps it’s the same for you? My time is typically late at night when family is asleep so I’m now trying to be in bed earlier currently either watching more TV or films but eventually I want to increase my reading and actually do something productive with the time.

Hope people don’t mind me asking but would also appreciate an invite to the private thread @Matt

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