I need some encouragement!

Ok… I’ve been sober just over 2 months, not very long. Before I got sober, I had bought two tickets to a music festival far away from where I live, and one of my close friends agreed to come with me. We booked accommodations. Then I got sober. This friend was supportive of my sobriety and I felt good about going to the festival with her and staying sober. Then she bailed on me last minute. I really wanted to go and paid a lot of money so I decided to go alone. I just got to my Airbnb and the show is tomorrow. Then I leave the day after. I’m VERY aware of the fact that I’m alone, and I could easily drink and no one but me would have to know. I’m also not great at being alone in some situations and that part of my brain that’s socially awkward is telling me it would be a lot more fun to drink. My ticket also includes a bunch of free drinks (and part of my brain also loves a good deal). I may have gotten myself a little in over my head here. Im trying to remind myself of all the reasons I got sober in the first place, and also reminding myself of how awful hangovers are! I think I can abstain but I’d be lying if I said I felt confident. If anyone has encouraging words I’d love to read them! (But please don’t tell me to skip the show cause that’s not happening.)


Who are you looking forward to seeing play?

Congrats on 2 months. You will know if you drink and its scary but im proud of you for reaching out and asking for tips.

My tip would be to be ok with leaving at any point if cravings get too much. Wrote out the pros of sobriety. Write out why you want sobriety. Write out the negatives of addiction that have and those that have yet to happen


I once travelled 1,800 miles to go to a music festival, after quitting booze about a month prior.

It was pretty uncomfortable but memorable. I just told myself, “I’m not drinking today, no big deal”.

If you had the power to stay sober today, you have the power to stay sober tomorrow.

Go, enjoy your experience and if things get tough, reach out here, we’re always around.


Sounds like you are already considering how shitty hangovers are, but also remember how proud you’ll feel tomorrow if you don’t drink. You may be surprised how much fun you have clear headed but you’ll never know if you drink. I would have a really hard time with this too, so I’m sending you strength and well wishes.



And thank you for your response, it’s really nice to have support!


Thank you so much for your support!


Thank you, it’s so appreciated!!!


Awesome band I’ve seen them a few times, punk festivals have lots of people going wild but also all the straight edge punks who don’t drink or do drugs, is it a weekend festival with camping or just a day show

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The show is 2 days but I only got tickets for day 1 cause I need to be back at work on Monday. You’re right there’ll be a mix of people, but I’ll definitely notice the alcohol. It doesn’t matter though, I’m not going to drink. I need to be fresh for a long drive home on Sunday and I want to really get to a place where I can have fun without it.


Keep us posted during the concert! We’ll be here for support if you feel on edge.
The best part of being sober is that you’ll actually remember the experience :guitar::guitar::guitar:
Have fun ODAAT!


Oh man that’s so true! The last time I drank was at a Strung Out concert that I was really looking forward to, and I kicked myself for basically tainting what would’ve just been a good memory of an awesome show with my bad behaviour.

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I just checked the line up, some great bands in the mix, and it’s their farewell tour so you won’t get to see them again, have fun and enjoy the music


Congrats on 2 months!

  • make a bullet point list of why you quit drinking in the notes app of your phone. Refer to it when cravings hit
    -similarly, write yourself a letter before you leave. “Dear X, you can enjoy this show sober. This is your life now, and you will be proud of yourself tomorrow by sticking to your plan.”
    -treat yourself to non-alc drinks (slushies? Lemonades?) and snacks (ice cream??) the calories don’t count today… and are probably less than the beer anyway.
    -Play the tape forward. After that first drink, what next? Another and another and another. You know where it leads. Don’t arrive at that destination.

Lots of good advice already given.
From my experience it works to to replace the nervous, socially awkward feeling with a deliberate attitude of curiosity, like when I see a place for the first time in my life. This attitude makes everything new and fresh and exciting. I am so busy and focused soaking up everything that I forget about everything else.
Enjoy the concert and have a safe drive home!

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It is only money, its only a festival. Sobriety equals life. Its your decision…but what I have seen in my own life and from others on here…there are zero regrets with doing what you need to have a sober life.


Life is way better sober, but we do have to get over the romanticing part where we forget what really happens when we drink (we get stupid, don’t remember/blackout, hangovers, maybe puke, f*** some stranger, etc etc etc). Take a REAL good look around at people, some are stumbly slurry stoopid drunk. You seriously can have fun without drinking, but for some of us, it can take time. Try to focus on the enjoyment of the day and music versus the alcohol. Come on here if you freak out and want to drink. Pound some water and dance dance dance. You get one life, just one. Remember it, savor it, be proud of it!! Keep us posted!!


I wish the was a way to “reply all”.

For everyone who offered me encouragement and support, thank you! The day is still young, but I’m feeling really good, drinking hibiscus ice tea and enjoying some really fucking good music. It’s a super chill vibe here and I’m so happy I came!


Yeah!!! Love a super chill vibe. :sunglasses: Enjoy the music!! And thanks for checking in!!!

Honestly I have to give it to you.When i was at the point interms of sobriety time that you are I still didnt believe i could have a good time without being loaded let alone have a good time sober by myself.So really enjoy the moment to its fullest because that is what sobriety is all about.Being happy,joyous,and free even when things dont go the way we wanted

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Night is done, I’m back in my Airbnb and I did it! The show was awesome! Thanks everyone!