I need something

I need something to make me happy. I dont have booze anymore and i feel myself needing something food or caffeine or something idk im just so never unhappy and so very tired right now


Do you have anything new what you want to try? For example I felt a bit better when I started to play on drums (it was big dream for me we can say)
Also if your body needs food, give it to your body. Let your body rest. Buy some cool food which you like or is even your favourite!
If something, I’m here for you!


in all honesty i dont’ think that the booze ever made you happy - just numbed the feelings and left you in a state of blah. i don’t think you need to search for happiness in things but within you. this is where the work begins - figure out what hole you are trying to fill with booze/ food / caffeine etc. it’s not an easy road but a very rewarding one.
are you doing any meetings? are you in therapy? stay active here by reading through the threads or participating in the conversations - this is super therapeutic.
Try new activities / hobbies to boost your motivation. start by being kind to yourself. your sober date says 1/23/23 – hell mine is 12/20/22 and i’m still super exhausted. our bodies are still healing and we need to let them.
Listen to upbeat music / dance and or scream to let out your tension / listen to comedy… get some fresh air
Sending you love and strength :muscle: :heart:


Try volunteering! Giving your time and labor to help others (whether be people or animals) is very fulfilling and meaningful, it brings hapiness and purpose to many.


I like what you said about not finding happyness in things but from within

That is exactly what I needed to comprehend

@Emmers123 you are doing great on your sober streak
Keep goingggg

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