I need support got nobody to speak too

Child come home today saying ppl calling her father an alcoholic.
I admitted that i had spoke to the childs mum ( who is a good friend of mine as she had been in a similar situation to myself)
So she must of discussed this in her home
I admitted i spoke to her as i needed someone to talk to.
Ive been screamed and shouted at that i shouldnt be telling anyone anything !! & he doesnt tell all my flaws said i was erotic dancing with men i known i was sat down talking and why after weeks is this being brought up now.
I have no one to speak to and that day with my friend it all just came out.
Ive had a really positive day then all this
Ive contacted support for my mental health but all this is dragging me down.
Ive had to bottle in so much i cant keep being silent.


Its frustrating, embarrassing, and angering when you tell someone in what you think is confidence and then it starts going around, especially when you hear it from children; they aren’t really aware of personal boundaries. I’m sorry that happened. Hugs!

Perhaps Al-Anon meetings might be helpful. Al-Anon is a support group for those who live with or have alcoholics in their lives. I would definitely look into it and give it a go. Here’s a link to find a meeting near you.


This is a safe place so feel free to vent here instead, im sorry this is happening to u but i think at this moment all you can do is stick with your sober plan and that will show them all that u mean business in the end, anyone says anything u admit yes your not perfect as nobody is but your working on getting better and improving yourself, you cant contol others only yourself and your doing great, sending big hugs🫂