I need support please……

I’m definitely trying.


B vitamins are very good too, you can do this youve come so far now dont lose hope your doing great :heart:


I’m on here trying to talk myself out of using


That’s good!


Its tough but you CAN do this! Remember ur reasons for why i quit in the first place. Ur addict mind trying to sneak in and convince u that u need it. U really dont. Play the tape to the end and stay strong and focused :slight_smile: our DOCs serve no purpose in our lives anymore


What’s really going on Niz?
Are you?

There’s a great thread about HALT

Maybe that will distract you.


I don’t know what I am. It’s hard when all you can see is the need and want to use.

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It’s easier when I hear other people say that I don’t need it. Because I feel like my own self lies to me.

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I remember some of my early days sober. Back when I just couldn’t take it anymore. I’d get in a really hot shower. Are you home? Get it the shower.
I’d get it as hot as possible and stay in for 20-30 minutes as long as I could. And I’d just cry and cry. I was so upset, angry, pissed off, sad, why can’t I drink like a normal person? Why :sob:

I’ve never had just one. Never!! Always went to excess. ALWAYS! After that long hot cry in the shower I felt wiped out. Exhausted. Relieved. I’d usually get some sparkling water. Make some food to eat.

This shit is hard Niz. I won’t lie to ya. But there’s no way I want to start over again. Or the reality is I could die if continued my drinking ways.

Whatever you do. Stick with us friend. We are here for you. Use us.
I’m proud of you for reaching out.
You are so smart to reach out to us.


It would be a worse day of you drink. Stay sober and “put the movie forward”. Imagine what will be happen today if you drink, think in the awful morning tomorrow morning when you wake up.

Today could be bad, tomorrow worse.

Just today, give yourself the present of sobriety. You deserve happiness!


When did you eat last?

Thank you. Does sitting outside in nature help out at all. I almost feel like a can’t breath in this house anymore.

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About an hour ago

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Getting out in nature is GREAT.
Looking at things through clear sober grateful eyes is great therapy.

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Good. Sometimes when all we want is our DOC it’s hard to step back and remember things. Like you said. All you want to do is use.

Deep breaths.

Are you angry at something or someone?

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Bad days are gonna happen. Sometimes they happen often. No matter how bad a day is, laying your sober head on your pillow at night is your only chance at making it a better day. Picking up and using wont make a bad day good, I know, I’ve tried.

Get through today sober, and you will be stronger tomorrow. You can do it, I know you can.


Take it one minute at a time. Breathe. Hydrate. Eat. Sleep. Before you know it you will have made it through the day! You can do this. You can do this. You can do this!


Yes. Myself. For letting something have control over me this way.


It happens, it can happen to anyone, give yourself some grace and be kinder to yourself, what kinds of things bring you comfort? A hot bath/shower, a walk in nature? Favourite tv shows? Music?


It’s ok to be angry about that. And you got the power to do something about your future.

I waited 45 years to sober up.
45 years of planning my weekends around drinking. Then planning my work days off around drinking. The drinking and drugging at work. Planning drinking around my wife and children. Planning my whole life around drinking. I can’t do a damn thing about my past and how I was. But I got a sober date of 01/02/20 and I can protect that. The addict in me protects that at all cost. My grandchildren will never see me drink. Even though I’m gone 60 now I’m grateful I got my life back. And I’m only going forward with it.

Just for today. You and me. And the others on your thread here. We won’t drink. Or pick up our DOC.