Im seconds from using the stupid skip app and i need a friend.
Im a newbie to recovery
Female 31
Mom of 3 if that helps narrow it down …
I know theres rules but is there numbers i can call
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No u don’t need to give up not hitting the fuck you button today woman u r too good for that shit someone once told me a head full of recovery and a hand full of dope is a bad mixr
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U can msg me (phone number removed by moderators)
Will you helo me i judt need somwone to chat with right now
Hey girl, I’m 35, female momma of 2. I am at work but check in with this page periodically. You can direct message me on here too and when I get time between clients I will write you back. You’ve got this. You reached out … that’s a big step.
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Thank you so much. I will medsge you if your sure !
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