I Never Thought I'd Get Here

Hello All. First time posting. I am coming up on my 2 year sobriety date from Alcohol. I live with my partner and our 2 cats and we recently took in my cousin who has fallen on hard times(Im an only child and he has always been like a younger brother to me). When I was at my peak alcohol use I stayed with him for a little over a month when I was nearly at my breaking point, so I felt compelled to return the favor. Recently my partner confided that when I was staying with said cousin he told my partner that he didnt think Id ever be able to get sober. Now this isnt a hate post for my cousin. His opinion from back then gave me some food for thought. I myself never thought I would get sober and he had seen and participated in my alcohol consumption and was very familiar with my level of insanity when it came to alcohol. Now I sit here after just getting home from my homecare job, while contemplating what desserts to make at my other job tomorrow where I now manage the entire bakery, while also discussing logistics to get set up for yet another job. I feel a rare moment of pride in myself. I am usually a very self loathing person. But I think about all the people that never thought I would be here. The ones who held some of the most important roles in my life that beraded me and gave up on me. Treated me like trash even though I was sick. I think about them and Im very thankful for the people that are in my corner and the progress I have made. I hope everyone here struggling finds their support system and one day can sit down after a long day, contemplate their sobriety and feel relief. I sure didnt think I ever would. :peace_symbol::purple_heart:


Welcome Jay! You may have never thought you’d get here, but I am glad you did.

With nearly 2 years of sobriety under your belt, congrats on that by the way, what has been the most profound change?


Look at what you’ve achieved :tada: :muscle: We all know how hard it is, especially in the beginning. You’ve done incredibly well for yourself. Congrats on your upcoming two years :clap:


Glad to hear. I still struggling a little with forgiving people who treated me differently because of my drinking. Some of it I feel was deserved, some of it I feel wasn’t deserved at all. But regardless, I’m doing it for me. At least for now.

But congratulations and thank you for being here and sharing.


The most profound change for me wasnt really a change but a rediscovering of myself. I had not realized that I lost my entire identity to alcohol. That and regaining my health. I was not a binge drinker or a daily drinker. I was a “Im going to litterally destroy myself” drinker. Before I quit I landed myself in hospital and they told me if i didnt stop I would need a new liver in 5 year and I was having active symptoms of liver damage. Now Im the healthiest Ive been in probably nearly a decade, which I am very thankful for.


I also struggle with forgiveness. Its not somthing i have ever been good at. But Im a firm believer that you dont have to forgive someone if it jeapordizes your sobriety or mental health. Thank you for the congratulations and I wish you well in your own journey.

Massive congratulations, Jay! You are an inspiration. Glad you are here.:sparkling_heart:

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Welcome and congrats - 2 years is no joke!! That is seriously so inspiring, thank you for sharing :two_hearts:

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Congratulations on 2 years @Jaybirdyouslyfox :partying_face::partying_face::partying_face:
It so good to hear the positive - and huge - changes in your life now…well done you awesome sober dude you!!!

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