I passed a year!

I never thought I could make it this far, but I always imagined that if I did that I would be excited, or maybe even proud. I feel hollow, while simultaneously feeling a slough of indiscernible emotions. When I told my partner it was officially a year, I recieved a half-hearted and sarcastic sounding “yaaaay”. I know I’m not on this journey for praise, but a congrats would have meant a lot to me.
I guess more than anything, I’m struggling with the difference between what I imagined versus reality. And I’m mad at myself for emotionally spiraling to a place that tries to convince me that if nobody cares then there is no point. I know that’s not true, but the thought still lingers. I just wish I didn’t feel so alone on my journey.


Congratulations Heidi. A year is such an incredible achievement. It’s a shame your partner hasn’t been more enthusiastic. Maybe take some time out to do something special for yourself?
And keep going! You are an inspiration :heart: X


Thank you so much, your kindness means so much to me. :heart:


No problem. I think it’s hard for loved ones to recognise the significance of what you’ve achieved if they’ve not been through it themselves.
This community is always ready and waiting to hold up your achievement and celebrate. It’s a big deal meeting those milestones.
I’m only 30 days in and I’m already dreaming of a nice pamper day to treat myself… maybe 90 days :rofl: We’ve earned it !! X


I think you’re right. And 30 days is huge, congratulations! The beginning is so challenging, and while everyone’s experience is unique, the first 30 days were the hardest for me, and I’ll never forget how that first month felt. Getting through that is an amazing accomplishment :heart:


Thank you :blush::pray: :heart: X


Wow!!! Congrats!!! :tada: :tada: :tada: :tada: :tada: :tada:
The journey to a year is not easy. I am a little over a year and I didn’t even realize. I too like you never thought I’d get here. Looking back it seems like yesterday but The year MILESTONE has arrived. I didn’t have anything specials for my year but it feels amazing to be here. I think something you said is ideal here. You seem to be struggling with the reality vs. what you imagined. A celebration wasn’t something I envision for my 1 year but I did share it with my Fiancé and my siblings. They sent virtual congratulation messages and that was it. My fiancé has been sober 3 years and we have not done anything special for him either. What we have done a lot though is recognize the changes we have made in sobriety whenever we feel compel to do so.
Everyday can be a day to recognize sobriety because each day its a battle or accomplishment of its own.
Keep going. Your sobriety matter!!! You MATTER!!!


Keep it going you’ve came this far !!!
I am so proud of you !!!


At first congratulations for your big 1 year milestone, that’s awesome! :confetti_ball::confetti_ball::confetti_ball:

My experience is that the people who are “normal” drinkers do not understand how difficult it is to reach such a milestone. Only people who are addicted understand the full pack.
That’s why I’m here to be with my own tribe to celebrate the milestones I reach ore to talk about the difficulties I stumble over.
My partner thinks recovery is just quit drinking.
But we all know it isn’t that simple.

Another thing is that milestones are tricky days as well. For me that is deffinitely. At milestone days I have cravings and a sad feeling as well.
It are double days for me.
In september I reach my 5 year milestone. But I reach it for the second time so it is a mixted feelings day.


Well done on a year, that is absolutely incredible.

Ive quit for long periods before and milestones always always feel flat. I think its because when i started i have an image in my head of how perfect things will be when i reach X amount of time but life just doesnt work like that.

It might help you to write a pros and cons list of having not drunk for the last year. In the left write every downside you can think of for having not drunk. So things like not being able to drink on christmas day or birthdays.

Then on the right jot down every pro you can think of. Money saved, no hangovers, less anxiety etc.

For extra credit. Write (ST) for short term effect or (LT) for long term effect next to each entry on both sides.

I think itll help when you can see there in front of you in black and white the positive long term impact yoive had on your life


I feel this!


A year sober is incredible and ALOT of work!! Im a couple of weeks off that myself and there is so much more to it than just quitting drinking thats for sure…but listen…it really only matters what you think…you know how far youve come and how much work it takes and i hope you are proud of yourself for what youve achieved and continue to achieve…sobriety doesnt have a destination…we are never cured but its a heck of a journey and those little gifts sobriety gives you along the way that mean so much make you not WANT to turn back, im sure you know what i mean by that :blush:

Be proud of you i know i am and im glad to be on the journey with you :heart:


Second 1 year post I’ve read in 5 minutes! What a beautiful way to end my day, thank you for sharing.

You’re a miracle, sometimes you’ll feel every bit of it and sometimes you’ll wonder if you’re even fucking alive. I dont expect people who don’t experience the struggle, whether personally or from a loved on they’ve watched destroy themselves for years, to ever really get it. I get it. 1 year ain’t not joke, I’m proud of you, I’m pumped for you, I’m excited for you next today of being sober.

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Huge congratulations!

What SoberWalker said:

My experience is that the people who are “normal” drinkers do not understand how difficult it is to reach such a milestone

But WE know!! Good on you!

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Brilliant Stuff, well done, huge congrats to you :smiley:

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