I really need some guidance

I’ve been 6months and 13 days sober. This sobriety was easy for me. It took me years and so many so many failed attempts to get where I am today. Many lost jobs lost things lost friends. And now I’m 6 months and 13 days sober. I’ve been having the toughest and roughest time ever. I currently have to walk home from a fight. And I really am contemplating buying a few bottles of shots. Or stopping by a near by bar. Please stop me from being so self destructive. I know what to do but I’m so weak. I’m just sitting here thinking about what will get me more fucked up


What you’re feeling is understandable and it’s okay.
Let those feelings wash through you like a breeze or an unwelcome visitor.

Buying the booze will make you feel so much worse tomorrow and could potentially derail all of the work you’ve done.

Don’t do it!

Maybe read around on some posts or if you have some older posts as a reminder of what life looks and feels like in that destructive cycle.

Check in with us here :smiling_face::black_heart:


I am sorry that you are struggling after a fight, @Gaby :disappointed:

Not sure where in the world you are, but there is a good chance that the day/night is almost done, could you at least not drink today and instead hit the pillow sober? Tomorrow is a new day and they usually come with renewed perspective after a night of sober sleep.

As @SoberSassy said: we’re here for you, just keep messaging if needs be!


Today is a wonderful opportunity to apply all the emotional work you’ve put in over the last 6 months. And tomorrow you’ll be so proud of yourself.
So will we :two_hearts:

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Checkin with us @Gaby you reached out and we are here to help. Get to a safe place away from booze you made it 6months and 13 days. Make it to bed sober tonight.


I could have felt more shame and embarsment standing at the gas station with a wine bottle in one hand and a buzzball in the other. Started thinking about how much my roommate would have been so upset to see me like that again. I walked out. Walking home now sober . Thank you guys



Thank you this definitely did help. Still got the erge to drink but I left without buying anything


I can relate to this. There have been many days when I have walked away or driven away from a tough situation where my head was just at “get a drink.” In my early days it would take a long time to get that thought out of my head. Now, 12 years and 74 days later, it only takes a few minutes. I’m certain it’s normal and we all go through it. We get triggered and as addicts our ho to answer is to get drunk. I’m glad you didn’t buy anything and hope you keep your sobriety. Find a mantra that works for you or some type of meditation/breathing exercise that brings you down from that. Have a great day.


Life is always going to get lifey. What’s your plan to stop this from happening again? The support here is great but you might not always have it.

For me the best defense I’ve had against cravings is not have them any longer


I’ve relapsed so many times before. But when I got sober this time it was different. It almost like clicked tonne that I like being sober. That I don’t need to drink and I never had an itch for it even when I was surrounded by it. I don’t know what was different today…maybe because I’m because I’m more sad than usual. Maybe I just wanted to mask the pain? Usually I work. I Uber. I do things. Today just hit me hard. I passed by a few bars on my walk and I didn’t go into any. I say that’s a small victory for me. I think the thing that gets me going is the disappointment in others. I’m not sure if that’s a good one but that’s kept me in check

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My sobriety is top valuable for me to risk it like that tbh. It won’t always be “easy”, there’s going to be deaths, strife, heartbreak and everything in between. I know because I have gone through all of those things without even craving a drink or drug. Eventually the cravings will win unless you actively working on your sobriety. Today can be a very valuable day for you if you use this as motivation to refocus on sobriety


I feel ya recently i have gone through a break up that i didnt really see coming but did idk but my point is look if i could go throu getting hurt at work, lossing my mom, and then the closes person to me my ex and not relapsing… idk really how i have done this im still in so much pain and hurt. Its the first time i have had to deal with this kind of feeling not just one at a time but all at once. Im not going to lie to you. It suck really bad and alot of bad stuff goes throu my head. But the one thing i tell myself is as long as i dont use i never have to go back to where i was or being the person im not. But i tell myself it is a choice and witch one do i really want more. Go forward or backwards forward the way to go and if you keep telling myself you are one bad choice from going backwards you are right and your not alone. We all are but im glad for a place like this to vent say what is on my mind and make good choices not bad ones. (Odaat) hope it helps have a wonderful night keep your head up hugs