I relapsed. Almost had 5 days

I’ve been coming down with a cold. Whiskey has been my medicine for a cold as long as I can remember as an adult. My husband came home from off the road (he’s a truck driver), and boom. Shots shots and a beer later, I lost my almost 5 days. My cold symptoms are better. But I lost my ambition on what I was trying to do for myself.


Ok, so we change our coping skill for colds in the future. Soup instead of whiskey & beer. Lots of water and rest. Tylenol for aches and fever.

Lots of bad reasons to drink out there but I really can’t think of one good one. We start again, or we will fail to get our prize: a happy & healthy life.


Forgive yourself and move forward. Do better for yourself. I’m glad you are feeling better!!


Every relapse is a learning lesson! Do not feel bad. As long as you keep trying, you’re on the right track. Make plans and changes to make a new effort and keep pushing forward. It will be a struggle, but once you start racking up more days under your belt, your willpower and resolve will continue to strengthen.

I believe in you. Never give up :slight_smile:

We are all here for each other. God bless


Ambition, motivation and intention do not keep us sober. Action does. What are you doing to grow your sobriety?


Whisky is not medicine. You don’t need to be a doctor or nurse to know that. It’s stunning what bs we tell ourselves to believe in active addiction. I was no better, I “believed” alk “helped” with social anxiety and low self esteem. It also doesn’t take a psychologist to tell me that I didn’t want sobriety when I held these “believes”.
If you’re serious about sobriety, you’ll need to stop making excuses (husband, cold, …) and find a path that will serve you and your long term goal of a sober life.
I hope you recover quickly from your cold and can use your down time to do some research, some reading and interacting on the forum. There are meetings 24/7 you can attend from your bed without camera even at intherooms.com and you can look for some inspiration and education on your addiction here New Recovery Books and
Resources for our recovery

If nothing changes nothing changes.
Get well soon!


What is done, is done. You can not change it. What matters now, is what you do today. Choose to love yourself and be sober today :green_heart:

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I was told we usually relapse before the actual relapse occurs, find reasons and excuses to use. When i stopped blaming external influences or was able to see what made me want to use i looked inside myself to see where i could improve and retrain my mind to understand that alcohol is not good for the body period. Ethanol is the same stuff me put in the gas tank, whats the point putting it in our bodies.


You may find you felt better as you may have been going through alcohol withdrawal,
maybe speak with your dr ?
They will also be able to support you.

I hope your feeling better and dont give up, start again.
Your not alone were here to support you too :hugs:

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