I relapsed today😢

You know I was doing so good 4months off the cocaine and with everything piling up I slipped and used I feel like a piece of crap now sorry everyone I’m still new here and just need to vent


You’re not a piece of anything. You need to look at what led up to your relapse and analyse what you need to change for next time.

Maybe add some recources to your recovery routines? Resources for our recovery

Good luck!


Ugh, sorry to hear. Those feelings are the worst. But you are a human, not a piece of crap. Glad you are here and venting.


Sometimes relapse can be a part of recovery. In that posture, you can reflect on what caused you to relapse and be prepared when the situation arises. Consider it a learning curve because you are learning about yourself. Get back up and keep walking. :blush: Just as a baby who learns to walk, we don’t consider them worthless or think negative thoughts towards them. In fact we help them up and encourage them to try again. We are learning to walk clean. I encourage you to get up, you can do this, we will hold you by the hand :heart::hugs:


I agree with the above statement. Please dont be so hard on yourself. Self forgivness is giving up all hopes of a better past. We all make mistakes. Its what you do with those mistakes afterwords that makes the difference. It does feel really bad when those mistakes happen. What you do in your present makes or breaks your future. Things will be ok as long as you want them to be. I have faith in you!


Thank you everyone for your kind thoughts and words it does help a lot. I’ve just been so stressed with work being treated like crap and I’ve only been there 2 months cause it pays very good and has benefits but it’s gotten so bad that I just broke.


Don’t worry about it you got this just say no find a distraction your strong and brave :pray:t2:


Excellent. Thank you for this James.

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You are not a piece of crap! We all make mistakes and sobriety is a journey and not a destination. Please show yourself the same grace and compassion you’d show someone else.