I relapsed tonight

I feel so ashamed and I feel like I cannot make it I relapsed tonight

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Hello there, don’t be hard on yourself. We’ve all done it. Just pick yourself up an try again. Stay strong and believe you can do it. Today is a new day. x


You will get stronger. Another day another fresh start. You can do it x


I relapsed a few times since starting with the community, it’s not easy, it never will be, I initially struggled getting past 5 days then a week and up to 15 days, I’m now at three weeks sober and still going, pick yourself up and keep trying, all the help and support you can get from this community along with very helpful tips and advice on quitting, recommendations for books and support groups too, embrace what is on offer and accept help and we will help you through. Don’t ever stop believing you can do this :fist_right:


You can do it! If it was easy, everyone would be doing it! Remember how this feels, maybe write it down. If you don’t want to feel this way anymore then read what you wrote about today any time you feel like using again. In here, sober is the new high.


maybe a meeting might help not for everyone but maybe anew direction might help. meetings helped me stay sober and no relapes up to today wish you well


I believe opiates are your DOC correct? They had to come from somewhere. I would delete whatever number, ditch whatever friend, or flush whatever prescription led to you using.


Don’t be too hard on yourself. Take this is an opportunity to analyze why you relapsed, then you can take steps to prevent it from happening in the future. Every ‘failure’ is a learning opportunity!

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I myself relapsed after quitting. It was stupid and I never should have been cocky to think I could control it. I will hopefully never make that mistake again.

It’s not that you relapsed it’s that you got back up fighting again. Use it to strengthen your resolve to stay sob! You got this!!!


Sorry to hear about your relapse. I agree w @Englishd…we can’t use if we don’t have anything to use right? Is anything still in the house? If so…there’s a nice shiny toilet waiting for them. Can you think back to the few hours before you decided to use again? What were you feeling? What triggered it? Learning your triggers will make you stronger this time around. That and deleting aaaallll numbers that get you your DOC. Today is a new day, keep fighting.
Much Love,


I relapsed last night also, it sucks.

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It happens. You’ve held yourself accountable here, admitted it. Now reset, recommit, and drive on.

That’s how it’s done.


I relapsed too last night. Had a horrible day(week) at work and I just said f*ck it! My willpower helps me to not drink day by day, but when I want to and the urge is really strong it’s that same willpower that makes sure I drink.

I ended up drinking in the bathtub. Puking all over the washroom and going to bed around 2-3am. Now I’m at work feeling like crap again and regretting everything. Why do we do this to ourselves?

I’m resetting my counter and starting again! I’m determined to beat this.

Keep it up, get back on the wagon and try again!


Thank you everyone. I relapsed from buspar I am almost a day clean I almost died last night I thought I was going to overdose and I am so ashamed I had the thought when I went to bed I won’t wake back up but I have god to thank that I am here I made it out alive snorting pills isn’t the life for me

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