I smoked and didn't like it

Well i went 12 days without marijuana. I started to feel better after the first week. Friday i decided to get some. I wanted to see how it made me feel after being clean for those days…Of course i didn’t start slow. Let me tell you, it wasn’t good.! I got so anxious and paranoid. My emotions became so intense and in balled my eyes out for a good 20 minutes. Once that all passed i felt ok then got hungry, ate too much, felt sick. I was a sloth the rest of the night. I woke up with a weed hangover… that was the worst. I was useless Saturday so i finished what i had, because why not…i didn’t get as anxious but i was still in sloth mode. I went to bed early Saturday. Today i woke up with brain fog. I don’t like it. I now know that quitting is the right thing for me to do. I feel much better and I enjoy things more without it!


You wanted to see how it felt? Amazing the excuses our inner addicts come up with isn’t it? I’m always surprised how devious my addictive mind is- always finding some new angle to justify drinking again. Kinda scary how quickly the desire comes back.


Yes it is! I am not mad at myself though. I’m going to remember the horrible feelings it gave me. I am confident now that i am found to do this.

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