I stopped drinking, My friends saying you can use Weed


After many relapses, I’ve now been sober for 5 days. I’m currently living in my home country, where I have many friends. I’ve told them about my plan to take things one day at a time and not drink. However, some of them suggest that I can use weed since they believe it isn’t harmful. Could you please share some advice on this?


It’s another mind altering substance that gets you high, takes you out of reality and gets you dependent on it. :woman_shrugging:t2:

What are your reasons for quitting alcohol? Those should be able to tell you wether you should substitute w weed or not.


Thanks @Faugxh

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Congrats on your 5 days and welcome back.
Someone started this thread kinda recently. I haven’t read it. But I bet it’s a good read.


Your friends are wrong .sober means sober from mind altering substances try a meeting meet like minded people who have been were you are


Those friends…


Do not fall for this. I’m sure they are well meaning but not having your DOC doesn’t mean you should substitute it for another. It does you no good and doesn’t teach you about sobriety. I fell into a four year hole telling myself weed was better than pills. It’s just as harmful


Hi @sarath_unrelax No no and no …don’t even attempt it weed s a bastard of a mind altering substance to give up and you will progress as you did with alcohol ,it’s bloody expensive cans can cost a quid or two at a time, weeds at least a tenner for fuck all .it cons you into thinking your safe with it because you don’t think it causes external harm it DOES. Motivation, life loving, people loving it will all be gone all you’ll be left with is paranoia anxiety and fuck all else… you have been WARNED ,look at our posts if you want to see for yourself .congratulations on wanting to be SOBER sobriety s great you can do it :+1:


Great share :ok_hand::+1:image

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Read around here, there are plenty of people that have used it and say otherwise.

It is your path.

My path in life as become exponentially better by being sober.



Are they really your friends? If they know you are struggling with addiction, why would they tell you another addictive substance is ok?


I agree with others that replacing alcohol with weed is just another addiction. Your friends are wrong, I’m afraid. Of course this is your path and you are free to do whatever you want, but I think you should seriously think if you need weed, another substance in your life.


Why not give life a try without any substances for awhile and see how that feels for you. It is definitely an adjustment and can shift a lot in your body, mind and spirit when you are substance free. It forces us to be with our selves, as is and not take the escape hatch. :people_hugging:


I wouldn’t recommend replacing one addiction with another. You can get easily addicted to weed and if you would be replacing alcohol with it, it’s a very big chance that’s what will happen.

Also, the question is if you want to be sober or if you’re looking for another substance to avoid the reality. Because using weed will not help you to stay present or solve any problems. You’re just escaping in a different way.

Maybe it’s not what you wanted to hear. Getting sober isn’t easy. However you shall indeed replace alcohol with something, but not with a different addiction. You will gain some free time when you stop drinking and so it would be good to start thinking and discovering what you like to do. Fimd new hobbies, try new things, start to live! The life is awesome, believe me, you only need to find what is your drive and what you love :slightly_smiling_face::slightly_smiling_face::slightly_smiling_face:

Wishing you all the very best :four_leaf_clover:


Thanks all for sharing :slight_smile:


Hi Sarath, I agree with all the others. Being on this site will help you I am confident. My experience is that the hardest thing is to be happy without substance abuse. Being completely sober for a good while finally eliminates the craving is the key for me. Then I don’t even think about it. That is the key, … go get to that point. It is possible, and I went the first 4 months of this year sober with the help of these folks. But then I had friends visit me, and crashed my record and now drinking and smoking pot each night to combat loneliness, which works fine, but then the next day is ruined with shame from hurting my body. Vicious cycle. Today is attempted day 1. Anyway, I found great accomplishment in my 4 months of sobriety and want it back so here I go again! Hope somethig in that helps.


1 day is a great start, we can walk together


I stopped using drugs in 97,i thought using drink would help me get through the loss of a buzz in my life but i ended up with drink problem which i only got a grip of 6 years ago,2 decades of life lost to drink,thats alot of wasted time.
Also theres a big chance youll end up looking for something stronger than weed after a while
Be careful,good luck


I have done the marijuana maintenance program, it is where I discovered bipolar manic episodes where basically I partied with the demons in my head. It got loud upstairs, hundreds of voices, then thousands, then I had to deal with the ghosts of evil leaders who are dead such as Saddam, Adolf, et.al.

That is psychosis.

Soon I could no longer differentiate between right and wrong.
I ended up in a psychiatric ward for a bit of a stay.
They said it was for my safety and that of others.
I was white hot angry about that, holy hell they say, bastards lock me up like that.
Long story short it took me decades to work off those resentments.

Marijuana is a harmful, potent mind altering drug.

Remember, we were never going to become alcoholics either.